Managing a facility waitlist

Use the Manage Facility Waitlist page to view customers currently on facility waitlists, update customer contact information, remove customers from waitlists, check for facility availability, or print a facility waitlist.


    1. Go to Front Desk > Reserve > Manage Facility Waitlist.

    2. Specify criteria that you want to use to search for existing customer waitlist requests in the Waitlist Search Criteria section:

      1. Enter the date range of requests in the Request Date From and To boxes.

      2. Note: These dates refer to the dates that customers have requested to reserve, not the dates that the waitlist requests were made.

      3. To only show search results that have one or more available timeslots (i.e. it is currently possible to move the customer to a reservation from the waitlist), select Only Show Requests with Available Timeslots.

      4. Specify any other criteria that you want to use to filter the search results.

    3. Click Search.

    4. In the Waitlist section, review your search results:

        1. Click the Event Name of the request that you want to view.

        2. To delete the waitlist request, click Delete.

        3. To search for potential reservation availability:

          1. Click Check Availability.

          2. Select the timeslot that you want to reserve in the Requested Time column.

          3. Click Reserve Selected.

          4. Proceed with the reservation as normal.

Related topics

Adding a customer to a facility waitlist


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