Field names and descriptions for the facility schedules file export


Field Name


Item Type

Facility type of the item that has been booked or reserved.

Item Name

Name of the facility that has been booked or reserved.

Start Date/Start Time

The date/time that a particular booking starts, excluding preparation time.

Setup Time The date/time that a particular booking starts, including preparation time.
End Date/End Time

The date/time that a particular booking ends, excluding take-down time.

Teardown Time The date/time that a particular booking ends, including take-down time.
Event Type Event type of the booking.
Event Description

In the case of a customer's booking: the name given to the event during the creation of the permit.  


In the case of a booking for an activity: the activity name and number.

Permit Status

Status of the permit associated with the booking, if applicable.

Permit Number Unique tracking number of the permit that holds all the information associated with the reservation (such as price, facilties, dates, customer, etc.).
Schedule Type Schedule type of the permit associated with the booking.
Customer The first and last names of the customer who made the reservation.
Customer Type

Customer type of the customer who made the reservation.


Email address of the customer who made the reservation.

Home Phone

Home phone number of the customer who made the reservation.

Work Phone

Work phone number of the customer who made the reservation.

Residential Address

Residential address of the customer who made the reservation.

Activity Type

Activity type of the activity associated with the booking, if the facility is being used to host an activity.

Activity Number

Number of the activity associated with the booking, if the facility is being used to host an activity.

Activity Status

Status of the activity associated with the booking, if the facility is being used to host an activity.


Supervisor of the activity associated with the booking, if the facility is being used to host an activity.


Name of the center where the facility is located.

Reservation Site

Sites contain centers, and centers contain facilities, the spaces reserved for a permit or an activity.

Event Notes

Any notes that have been given to this booking.

Hold Type

Will be one of the following values:

  • 0 meaning Normal

  • 1 meaning Tentative (needs to be approved before the reservation is finalized)

  • 2 meaning Temporary (the facility is booked in advance so public can't book it)

  • 3 meaning Lesson Place Holder

Hold Expiration Date

When a customer makes a booking that is tentative, it will need to be approved by this date, or the booking is canceled.

Daycare Session Name

Sessions correspond to sets of specific daycare classes with specific times over a date range.

Item ID

The unique identifying number given to each facility.  


Normally this is only used internally, but it is also helpful when exporting data to distinguish between two similarly named facilities.

Permit Date The date that the permit was created (not the date that the booking is taking place).
Permit Company

If the reservation was made for a company, the company name who made it.

Activity Name

If a facility is being used to host an activity, this is the name of the activity.

Transaction ID

The unique number that tracks the transaction that created the booking.

Workstation ID

The unique tracking number of the workstation that was used to create the booking schedule.

System User

The first and last name of the user who was logged into the workstation when the booking schedule was created.


In the case of a customer's booking: the number of people who are scheduled to be attending the event.  


In the case of a booking made for an activity: the number of people registered.

Related topics

Exporting facility information for a building control system