Instructor payroll report

Use the Instructor Payroll report if you need a payroll report that you can issue directly to your instructors. The Instructor Payroll report is grouped by season, pay period, and instructor. It can display the activities being paid for, the total hours worked, and the amounts to pay for each pay period.


    1. Go to Reports > Registration Reports > Instructor Payroll.

    2. In the Filters section, select the Payroll Periods, Seasons, Instructors, and/or any other information that you want to use to filter the report.

    3. In the Options section:

      1. To display only the total amount for each instructor rather than breaking down each instructor's amount by activity, select Summary Report.

      2. To show only one instructor per page rather than fitting more than one instructor on each page if possible, select Show One Instructor per Page?

      3. Select one or more of the following to Include Payroll For:

        • To include payroll for activity instructor assignments where the instructor was a regular instructor (i.e. not a substitute instructor), select Regular Assignments.

        • To include payroll for activity instructor assignments where the instructor was a substitute instructor (i.e. not the regular instructor), select Substitute Assignments.

        • To include instructor reservation payroll, select Instructor Reservation Bookings.

        • To include instructor timesheet payroll for non-booking related payroll, select Instructor Timesheet Payroll.

      4. To return the processed payroll records in either pending or finalized status, select an Expense Status of either Finalized Expenses or Pending Expenses.

      5. Select the Output Type for the report.

    4. Click Run Report.

Related topics

Instructor Payment History report


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