Registration reports

Registration reports are used to display information regarding activities, rosters, and instructors. The following registration reports are available.


Click a report name to view details about a specific report.


Activity Attendance Sheet

Activity Attendance Sheet - Daily

Activity Change Log

Activity - Create Catalog

Activity Overview

Activity Results

Activity Revenue

Activity Text

Activity Totals

Activity Withdraw/Transfer

Average Fee per Customer Type

Batch Copy Activities Results

Customer Attendance

Company Roster

Company Totals

Deposit Due Report

Enrollment Distribution

Facility Usage


Instructor Attendance

Instructor Change Log

Instructor Contracts

Instructor Labels

Instructor Payment Due

Instructor Payment History

Instructor Payroll

Instructor Sign-In

Private Lesson Booking

Registration Activities

Registration Roll-Over Results

Roster (Brief)

Roster (Expanded)

Roster (with Payments)

Substitute Instructor

Transcript Report


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