Entering a credit card number using an encrypted MagneSafe device

You can take payments using an encrypted MagneSafe device to ensure that each credit card number is encrypted as soon as the card is swiped. This method of taking credit card payments is safer than using a non-encrypted card scanner or than typing the credit card number directly into ACTIVE Net.


Note: Before you can start using encrypted MagneSafe card scans on a specific workstation, you will first need to enable MagneSafe devices at Administration > System Settings > Workstations > Payments section > Input all Credit Cards with encrypted MagneSafe Device.


    1. On any ACTIVE Net page where you can enter a credit card number, first select the credit card payment option.

    2. Click the Scan Card or Input Card link next to the Credit Card Number box.

    3. Note: A pop-up window appears. At first it displays the Initializing device... text, then it displays the Waiting for credit card swipe... or the Swipe credit card now... Use pin pad to cancel text.

    4. Choose one of the following:

    5. Fill in any remaining credit card information that has not been automatically filled in by the device.

    6. Continue processing the payment in ACTIVE Net as you normally would.

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