Managing a team

Use this page to manage teams from the front desk. After searching for and selecting an activity or team contact, the teams attached to the activity or team contact are displayed.


Go to Front Desk > Registrations > Team Management.

Managing Teams

Searching for Activities

See Activity Search.

Searching for Team Contacts

Search using the following criteria:

Name of Field



Team Contact Search Criteria

First Name


Full or partial first name of the team contact.


Note: You can use wildcards (* or %) to search for any string of characters anywhere in the first name. For example: searching for *ch* includes Michael, Chandler, and Peach in the results.

Last Name


Full or partial last name of the team contact.


Note: You can use wildcards (* or %) to search for any string of characters anywhere in the last name. For example: searching for *re* includes Presely, Redford, and Moore in the results.

E-mail Address


E-mail address of the team contact.



Click Search to return a name or list of names of team contacts.

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