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Membership by package report

The Membership by Package report displays membership information grouped by membership packages. This report includes the customer name, member number, pass number, membership expiration date, and any amount due on the account.


    1. Go to Reports > Membership Reports > Membership by Package.

    2. In the Filters section, specify the Packages, Membership Start Dates, Transaction Dates/Times, Package Sites, and/or any other details that you want to use to filter the report, if necessary.

    3. In the Options section:

      1. To hide customer information such as the address, age, gender, work and cell phone numbers, and residency status on the report, select Summary Report.

      2. To use this report to identify customers who will become ineligible for their current package within a specific date range, enter the date range in the Only Include Customers who Become Age Ineligible for Their Package Between boxes.

      3. To run the report as a renewal report, listing customers and membership packages that may be renewed, including the renewal amounts, select Print as Renewal Report?

      4. To display only waivers that still require a customer's signature in order to be considered complete, select Show Incomplete Waivers Only?

      5. To display only membership punch cards that have been used over the number of allotted punches, select Overused Passes Only.

      6. Select the Output Type for the report.

      7. Select any other necessary information that you want to include in the report.

    4. In the Sort Options section, select the method that you want to use to sort the report data.

    5. Click Run Report.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

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