Managing POS products

Staff users can add, edit, assign, adjust, and transfer POS inventory on the centralized inventory management page.


To add/edit a POS product:

    1. Go to Administration > POS Settings > Inventory Management.

    2. Choose one of the following:

        1. Search for and select the product that you want to modify.

        2. Click Change POS Product Details.

        1. Search for and select the product that you want to copy.

        2. Click Copy Product.

    3. In the Product Type section, if this product is an anonymous drop-in enrollment for an activity, then select Activity Drop-In for the Product Type and enter an Activity name. Otherwise, leave the Product Type set to Standard POS Product.

    4. In the General Information section, enter the Product Name and/or any other necessary information.

    5. In the Product Fees section, enter the Default Quantity to sell, the Default G/L Account, and the Default Price for the product.

Note: To indicate that the product does not have a fixed selling price, select Prompt for Price? The user will be prompted to enter a price for the product at the time of sale.

    1. In the Fee Splits (Optional) section, enter any fees that are split between multiple GL accounts, if applicable.

    2. In the Taxes section, select any taxes that apply to the product.

    3. In the Custom Question section, select and move the required custom question groups or custom questions to the Selected question groups or Selected Questions fields.

    4. In the Product Image section, select the image that will be displayed beside the product name on the customer (public access) site, if applicable.

    5. To track the product's inventory quantity and updated the quantity on hand every time the product is sold or new quantities are added:

      1. Select Track Inventory? in the Inventory section.

      2. Enter the quantity at which the product must be reordered in the Reorder Point box.

      3. Enter the Reorder Alert Email address to send an alert to when inventory has reached the reorder point.

    6. To specify product features that you want to use when selling POS products as merchandise during activity registration, enter a Feature Name and Feature List in the Feature Set section.

Note: For example, a t-shirt product might have a feature name of Size with a feature list of S, M, L, XL.

    1. To specify that the product is a discount instead of a charge:

      1. Select This is a Discount? in the Discount Information section.

      2. Select the Discount Type and/or any other necessary information.

    2. Select whether or not the product Qualifies for Commission in the Commission Qualification section, if applicable.

    3. Click Save.


To adjust POS inventory:

Inventory adjustments can be made to products whose inventory quantities are being tracked. The system quantity of products may be updated by entering their actual stock quantity on hand (physical count).  Upon saving, the physical count entered becomes the new system quantity.


    1. Go to Administration > POS Settings > Inventory Management.

    2. Search for and select the POS product that you want to adjust.



To transfer POS inventory:

Inventory transfer can be made to products whose inventory quantities are being tracked by centers. The system quantity of products may be transfer from one center to another.


    1. Go to Administration > POS Settings > Inventory Management.

    2. Search for and select the POS product that you want to transfer.


Only products with Inventory Tracking by Center enabled and non-zero inventory quantities at the center level can be transferred.

    1. In the Transfer Item column, click Transfer.

    2. In the Inventory transfer popup, enter the Transfer QTY, To (Site) and To (Center) fields.

    3. Click Submit.

Related topics

Adding or modifying a POS charge

Configuring POS settings