Adding, modifying, or copying a charge, discount, or scholarship

Charges are the templates used when adding fees, discounts, or scholarships to activities, membership packages, daycare programs, lendable equipment, or the facility charge matrix.


    1. Choose one of the following:

      1. To add, modify, or copy an activity charge, go to Administration > Registration Settings > Charges.

      2. To add, modify, or copy a daycare charge, go to Administration > Daycare Settings > Charges.

      3. To add, modify, or copy a facility charge, go to Administration > Facility Settings > Charges.

      4. To add, modify, or copy an equipment charge, go to Administration > Equipment Settings > Charges.

      5. To add, modify, or copy a membership charge, go to Administration > Membership Settings > Charges.

      6. To add, modify, or copy a POS charge, go to Administration > POS Settings > Charges.

      7. To add, modify, or copy a general charge, go to Administration > Financial Settings > Charges.

    2. Choose one of the following:

    3. In the General Information section, enter the Charge Name, Charge Type, Unit of Measure, and/or any other necessary information.

    4. In the Charge Context section, select the modules that the charge applies to.

    5. Choose one of the following:

      1. If the charge is a fee, select the G/L Account and enter the Default Fee, Default Question, and/or any other information in the Fee Information section.

      2. If the charge is a discount, select the G/L Account, Type of Discount, and/or any other information in the Discount Information section.

      3. If the charge is a scholarship, enter scholarship details in the Scholarship Information section.

    6. Select the taxes that you want to apply to this charge in the Tax Information section, if applicable.

    7. To trigger an activity fee or discount based on a customer’s previous registration for any activity, click Activate (and show) Qualifying Activity Options?

    8. To specify other ways to restrict application of this fee, click Activate (and show) Advanced Options?

    9. Click Save.

Related topics

Adding or modifying a daycare program

Adding or modifying facilities or equipment

Adding or modifying a membership

Adding or modifying a POS product

Adding or modifying an activity


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