Changing and recalculating permit charges

Whenever you do something that has an affect on a permit's charges--such as changing a permit's charges or booking dates/locations--ACTIVE Netwill prompt you to apply pending charge modifications. This process ensures that the changes to the permit's charges are applied throughout the system so that you can easily refund or pay the remaining balance, if necessary.


    1. After making a modification to a permit that affects the permit's charges, click Apply Pending Charge Modifications on the Permit Functions page.

    2. Note: To cancel modifications to the permit's charges, click Cancel Pending Charge Modifications.

    3. On the Calculate Permit Balance page, confirm the Previous and Updated charges.

    4. Click Submit.


Note: If the new total charge amount is different from the previous total charge amount, you can now pay or refund the difference using the standard payment/refund process. If the permit uses a payment plan, ACTIVE Net will re-generate the payment schedule based on the new balance, following the same rules as the existing payment plan.

Related topics

Changing permit charges

Modifying the permit's location, dates, or times