Use the Receipt Payment page to select the payment type and amount for transaction payments, refunds, donations and account credits. You must select a payer before you can enter payment details.
Choose one of the following:
If more than one customer originally paid for this transaction, select the customer to receive the refund from the Select Payer to Receive Refund section.
To pay for the transaction using a single payment type, click the $ for the payment type that you want to use and enter any further payment details, if necessary.
To pay with cash and give back change, enter the amount of cash taken in the Cash box and click anywhere on the screen. The change due displays in the Change box.
To pay using more than one payment type, enter the amount that you want to pay for each payment type in its corresponding payment type box.
To pay for all or part of the balance using a payment plan:
Enter the amount that you want to pay by payment plan in the Payment Plan box.
Select when the payment plan billing will start from the Billing Starts list:
To start the billing on the First Payment date specified below, select Immediately.
To start the billing on the next period after the First Payment date specified below, select Next iteration.
Select the Frequency of the payments in the payment plan.
Enter the payment plan start date in the First Payment box.
Note: If Billing Starts is set to Next iteration, then the first date that payment is due will be on the date of the period following the First Payment date.
Enter the total Number of Payments in the payment plan.
To modify the date or amount of an individual payment in the payment plan:
Select the payment that you want to modify in the Payment Schedule list.
Click the here link to the right.
Enter the new Date and/or Amount.
Click Modify Payment.
Select whether or not to automatically charge the customer for each payment plan date:
To add each payment's amount to the customer's outstanding account balance (no credit cards or bank accounts will be charged), select No automatic charge?
To charge the customer's credit card for each payment amount on the dates specified in the payment schedule, select Automatically charge credit card?
To charge the customer's bank account for each payment amount on the dates specified in the payment schedule, select Automatically charge bank account?
To add an optional donation in addition to the amount due in the original transaction:
Select the Campaign that you want to donate to in the Add a Donation section.
Enter the Donation Amount.
When you are finished allocating the balance to be paid, choose one of the following:
To perform the payment transaction and continue adding transactions to the current receipt, click Pay.
To perform the payment transaction and print/complete the current receipt, click Pay & Finish.
Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.
Entering a credit card payment using an encrypted MagneSafe device
Selecting a payer for a transaction