Reservation DOT report

The Reservation DOT report displays a grid of specific dates, equipment, facilities, and instructors as well as displaying whether a facility has a reservation on a particular date.


Dates when a facility is reserved have an 'R' printed on the grid. Dates with no reservations have a dot "." printed on the grid.


This report offers a broad view of facility reservations on a particular date or in a date range.


    1. Go to Reports > Reservation Reports > Reservation DOT.

    2. In the Filters section, select the Reservation Dates, Permit #s, Reservation Sites, and/or any other information that you want to use to filter the report.

    3. In the Options section:

      1. To display child facilities of a booked facility and show them to be booked as well, select Show Child Facilities as Booked?

      2. Select whether to include Facilities, Equipment, Instructors, or all three from the Include list.

      3. Select the Output Type for the report.

    4. Click Run Report.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

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