Searching for facilities

Use the Find Candidates page to find one or more facilities for a reservation.


    1. In the Event Information section, enter your Event Name, expected Attendance, Event Type, Preparation Code, and Schedule Type.

    2. Note: The schedule type determines whether charges are to be applied to the reservation.

    3. In the Reservation Information section, choose one of the following for the Reservation Type:

    4. Choose one of the following for the Scope:

    5. If you selected Tentative for the Scope, enter a Request Expires date.

    6. In the Facility Search Criteria section, enter all or part of the Facility Name that you want to reserve (if known).

    7. To narrow down your facility search, click one or more Facility Types, Facilities, Amenities requested, Centers, Sites, or Geographic Areas.

    8. Select the time increment used to book the facility in Reserve By.

    9. Click Submit.

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