Cancel payment form

Use this page to cancel payments without canceling the customer's receipt and transaction. When you cancel a payment, a payment plan with only one payment due immediately is added to the receipt to replace the canceled payment. The receipt itself and the transaction remain valid.


Note: You can only cancel payments made through checks (NSF), credit cards (chargeback), cash (counterfeit), credit memo (forgery), and ECP (electronic check payment after we accepted it). You cannot cancel payment plans and credit from account payments.


The following fields are available on the Cancel Payment Form:

Name of Field



Payment Summary



Name of the customer who paid for the transaction.

Payment Date


Date of the payment.

Payment Amount


Amount of the payment.

Payment Type


Type of payment used.


For example: check, credit card, cash, credit memo, ECP, etc.

Receipt Number


Receipt number of the transaction.

Payment Cancellation Details


Text box

Reason for the payment cancellation.

NSF Charge

Apply NSF Charge?


To charge this customer a Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) fee at the same time that you cancel this payment, select this option.


Charge an NSF fee when an electronic check payment is declined due to insufficient funds.


This option is only visible if you have entered an NSF Charge Amount in Administration > Financial Settings > Configuration > NSF Charges.

GL Account

Dropdown list

Select the GL account that you want to credit the NSF charge to.


This option is only visible if you have selected the Apply NSF Charge? option above.

Default Amount

Numeric (read-only)

Displays the NSF fee amount that will be charged to the customer when you cancel this payment.


This option is only visible if you have enabled the Apply NSF Charge? option above.

To cancel the selected payment and add the payment plan to the receipt, click Submit to go back to the Customer Payments page. The canceled payment are marked as canceled.


To view or print the updated receipt, click the Receipt Number link to go to the Receipt page.