Adding or modifying company or sub-company details

Edit company or sub-company names, addresses, and other general information on the Company Details page.


    1. Choose one of the following:

    2. Search for and select the company that you want to modify.

    3. Click Change Company Details.

    4. In the Company section, enter the Company Name and address.

    5. If the company has agreed to be included in your promotional postal mailing list, click Promotional Postal Mail?

    6. In the Contact section, enter the Email, Phone numbers, Fax, and/or company Web Site address.

    7. If the company has agreed to be included in your promotional emailing list, click Promotional Email?

    8. In the Miscellaneous section, if you want the company included in the dropdown list of vendors in the POS Product Orders page, click Is Vendor?

    9. If you want to retire the company so that it no longer shows up in search results, click Prevent Further Use?

    10. If you want to add a staff special handling alert to the company, click Special Handling?

    11. Enter the company's Geographic Area, Customer Type, Site, and Lighting PIN, if applicable.

    12. Enter text for the company's Payment Terms, Employer ID Number, and general Notes, if applicable.

    13. If you want other customers to be able to select this company for third party billing, select Allow Third Party Billing?

    14. Click Save.

Related topics

Adding or modifying a company

Adding or modifying a sub-company


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