Change team/group contact

The following options are included on the Change Team/Group Contact page:

Name of Field



Contact Type

Dropdown list

Contact type of the team or group contact.

Administer Online


Option to authorize the team or group contact to administer the team/group account from the customer (public access) site.


If selected, the My Account link is displayed in the Team/Group Contact List page.

Team Roll-over online


Option to display the team roll over function on the public site, which allows team contacts to roll over their teams from source activities to target activities.

Show Online


Option to show the team or group contact's name on the customer (public access) site when a public user views team or group information.

Show Contact Info Online


Option to show the team or group contact's phone number and email address information on the customer (public access) site when a public user views team or group information.

Receive Email when a Team Member Enrolls


Option to automatically send an email to the team or group contact when a team or group member enrolls in the activity.


Text/Read only

Name of the team or group contact.


Click the icon to launch the Customer Search page, where you can select a customer, or click New Customer to add a new customer who will automatically become a team or group contact.


Text/Read only

Company that is attached to the team or group.


Click the icon to launch the Company Search page, where you can select a company, or click New Company to add a new company that is automatically attached to the team or group.