Create activity catalog

Use this page to create an activity catalog that you can print or use as a template for actual catalog printing. Activities can be included in the catalog based on specific criteria. You can produce the catalog in Ascii (CSV) or camera-ready (RTF) format, and edit both as necessary.

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Catalog Format

Filter Criteria


The following catalog format and activity search criteria are used in creating an activity catalog:

Name of Field Type Description

Catalog Format

File Format Buttons

Format of the catalog, as selected from either Ascii File (CSV) or Camera Ready (RTF).


Ascii File format is a text file with data separated by commas, while Camera Ready format displays data in a standard pre-defined format ready for printing (but may still be edited).

Delimiter Dropdown list

Delimiter used to separate data values for Ascii File (CSV) format, as selected from "," (comma), ";" * (semi-colon),   "{tab}".


Not applicable to Camera Ready (RTF) format.

Text Qualifier Dropdown list

Qualifier used to denote text values for Ascii File (CSV) format, as selected from " (double-quote) or ' (single-quote).


Not applicable to Camera Ready (RTF) format.

List Individual Dates Checkbox

Option to list individual activity meeting dates or only the range of meeting dates for Camera Ready format.


Not applicable for Ascii File format, which always displays as date range only.


For example, an activity meets for 5 straight days from May 1-5. If selected, each meeting date will be displayed individually, in 5 lines.


If not selected, meeting dates will be displayed as a date range in one line only (May 1-5).

Include Public URL Checkbox

Option to include in the catalog the webpage address of the activity on the customer (public access) site.


For Ascii File format, the actual URL is included in the file.


For Camera Ready format, the activity number is displayed as a hyperlink to the activity page.

Include Activity Catalog Description? Checkbox

Option to include the activity description for each activity in the catalog.


To save space and reduce paper consumption when printing your catalog, disable this option.

Filter Criteria

Activity Name Text

Full or partial name of the activity.

Activity Number Text

Full or partial number of the activity.

Activity Category Dropdown list

The category of the activity.

Supervisor Dropdown list

The supervisor of the activity.

Instructor Dropdown list

The instructor of the activity.

Site Dropdown list

The site assigned to the activity.

Facility Dropdown list

Facility where the activity is being held.

Available Seasons Listbox

List of seasons that can be included in the catalog filter criteria.


To include a season in the catalog filter criteria, select a season, then click the right-pointing arrow to move it to the right box.

Selected Seasons Listbox

List of seasons that have been included in the catalog filter criteria.


To remove a season from the catalog filter criteria, select a season, then click the left-pointing arrow to return it to the left box.

Activity Start Date
(From, To)

Range of activity start dates.

Activity End Date
(From, To)

Range of activity end dates.

Registration Start Date
(From, To)

Range of activity registration start dates in the admin site.

Registration End Date
(From, To)

Range of activity registration end dates in the admin site.

Internet Registration Start Date
(From, To)

Range of activity registration start dates on the customer (public access) site.

Internet Registration End Date
(From, To)

Range of activity registration end dates on the customer (public access) site.

Status Dropdown list

The status of the activity.


Show Activity Status Checkbox

To display activity statuses in the catalog (e.g. open, closed), select Show Activity Status.


Click Submit to create the catalog. A pop-up window appears with the following options. Click Open to open and view the catalog, click Save to save the file in a specific directory, or click Cancel to cancel the operation.

Related topics

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