Create program catalog

You can use the following catalog format and program search criteria to create a program catalog:

Name of Field



Catalog Format

File Format


Format of the catalog, as selected from either Ascii File (CSV) or Camera Ready (RTF).


An Ascii File format is a text file with data separated by commas, while the Camera Ready format displays data in a standard pre-defined format ready for printing (but may still be edited).


Dropdown list

Delimiter used to separate data values for Ascii File (CSV) format, as selected from "," (comma), ";" * (semi-colon),   "{tab}".


Not applicable to Camera Ready (RTF) format.

Text Qualifier

Dropdown list

Qualifier used to denote text values for Ascii File (CSV) format, as selected from " (double-quote) or ' (single-quote).


Not applicable to Camera Ready (RTF) format.

Include Program Catalog Description?


Option to include the program description for each program in the catalog.


To save space and reduce paper consumption when printing your catalog, disable this option.

Search Criteria

Program Name


Full or partial name of the program.

Program Type

Dropdown list

The type of the program.

Catalog Number


Program number, following the standard format for activities and daycare programs.

Program Status

Dropdown list

Filter the report based on the status of the daycare program.


Dropdown list

Filter the report based on the daycare program department.


Dropdown list

The category of the program.


Dropdown list

The supervisor of the program.


Dropdown list

The site assigned to the program.

Click Submit to create the catalog.


A window appears with the following options. To open and view the catalog, click Open, click Save to save the file in a specific location, or click Cancel to cancel the operation.