Daycare programs

Daycare programs are a combination of sessions for which customers can register.


For example: A daycare program may have both before and after school components. Clients can register in the before portion, the after portion or both for a reduced rate. In this case you would set up 2 sessions (before and after) and 1 program. Setting the minimum and maximum registrants at the session level ensures that the number of registrants is limited over the 2 programs.


A single session can now be shared between different roll-over programs. What this means is that customers can now prepay for a roll-over program and receive a discount for doing so. A new requirement for this option is that all sessions in a roll-over program end on the same date.

Go to section

General Information

Financial Information

Roll Over Information

Sessions Included in this Program

Participant Information



Custom Question


Prerequisite Components

Prior to setting up daycare programs, configure the following:

Program Types




Daycare Sessions

Custom Questions


    1. Go to Administration > Daycare Settings > Programs.

    2. Search for and select a daycare program.

Modifying a Daycare Program

Resetting the Next Rollover Date

If you need to modify the dates for your program sessions, then you also need to modify the next rollover date.


To reset the next rollover date, on the Daycare Program Functions page, in the General Information section, click Reset. See also Next Rollover Date.

Adding a new Daycare Program

From the Daycare Search page, click New Daycare Program or, from the Daycare Program List page, click Add New. Each of these links goes to the Change Daycare Program page, where you can create a new record.

Modifying a Daycare Program

From the Daycare Search page, search for a program.


From the Program List page, click an underlined program to go to the Daycare Program Functions page, which shows general information about the program along with links for pages where you can address specific types of program information:

Name and Details

Financial Information

Attached Lists



In the Daycare Program List section, you can:


To copy:

From the Daycare Search page, search for a program.


From the Daycare Program List page, click an underlined program to go to the Daycare Program Functions page, which includes general information about the program and links to pages where you can perform functions related to programs.


The Copy Program link opens the Change Program page with the copied information. Edit the new record, then click Save.


The Change Program page includes the following options:

Name of Field Type Description

General Information



The name of the program as it appears when selling or reporting on programs.


Refer to Program Naming best practices for activities and programs.



Dropdown list

The program type.




Program number following standard format for activities and programs.



Dropdown list

The status of the daycare program.


Select one of the following statuses:

  • Open: The program is available for searching and registration on the public access and staff sites.

  • Closed: The program is available for searching on the public access and staff sites, but on the public access site it displays as Closed and is not available for registration.

  • Tentative: The program is available for searching on the public access and staff sites, but on the public access site it displays as Tentative and is not available for registration. Use this status for programs that are very close to the minimum enrollment and may not end up running.

  • On Hold: The program is displayed on the public access site. Use this status for programs that have a technical issue and may not end up running.

  • Retired: The program is no longer active and is not available for registration on either the staff site or the public access site. The program does not display on the public access site. Retiring a program is permanent: you cannot return a retired program to a non-retired status.


Dropdown list

This dropdown is displayed only if the Multi-lingual feature is enabled for your organization.

To create a new FlexReg program in French, select Français to highlight the fields that must be entered in French.

Catalog Description


The description of the program, as it appears on the customer site and in the Catalog Export.


Parent season

Dropdown list

The Parent Season which the daycare program is assigned to.

Child season

Dropdown list

The Child Season which the daycare program is assigned to.


Dropdown list

The organization department that the daycare program is assigned to.

Daycare Category

Dropdown list

The category of the program.

Daycare Other Category

Dropdown list

The other category of the program.


Dropdown list

The site of the program.


The site selected is the only site where the program can be used, unless you have multi-site permission.



Dropdown list

The supervisor of the program.

Reservation Unit

Dropdown list

The unit of reservation periods allowed for registration:

  • Same as billing unit: The reservation periods are based on the fees. If there is a weekly fee, then customers can reserve on a weekly basis. If there is a daily fee, then customers can reserve on a daily basis as well.

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly

  • No choices: The customer cannot choose reservation periods and have to register for the whole duration of the sessions.

Risk Category

Dropdown list

The risk category that is assigned to this program.

Financial Information

Deferred Revenue Settings

Enable Deferred Revenue?

Dropdown list

Select Yes to turn on deferred revenue for this program (overriding site or global deferred revenue settings).


Note: If you have not activated deferred revenue globally, then this option is hidden.

Revenue Deferral Period

Dropdown list

This setting overrides the global revenue deferral period for flexreg programs.


The period frequency determines when revenue is recognized (i.e. when the deferred revenue account is debited and the revenue account is credited).


If you select Yearly:

  • The system uses the fiscal year as an interval, similar to how it uses month, day, quarter, or week for the other selections.

  • Revenue for the portion of inventory delivered in the current fiscal year is recognized immediately (at the time of the transaction) - just as though the site were using a straight cash-equals-revenue model - but with the following exception:

  • Revenue for the portion of the inventory that is delivered in the next fiscal year is recognized on the first day of the relevant fiscal year.


If you select To Program Start Date, for each transaction on the enrollment receipt, ACTIVE Net recognizes revenue on the first meeting date of each transaction.


If you select To Program Start Date and Fiscal Year End, for transactions in the current fiscal year, ACTIVE Net recognizes revenue on the first meeting date of each transaction. The remaining amounts are recognized on the first date of the next fiscal year.

Deferred Revenue GL Account

Dropdown list

Select the GL account that you want to use for deferred revenue for this program.


This setting overrides the global revenue deferral period for programs.

Tax Receipt

Tax Eligible


If the Tax Eligible check box is selected, payments made for the specified activity/membership package/Flexi Registration program are included in the Tax Receipt report.

If the Tax Eligible check box is not selected (default), payments made for the specified activity/membership package/Flexi Registration program are not included in the Tax Receipt report.

Third Party Billing

Allow Third Party Billing?


If enrollments in this program are eligible to receive third party billing payments, select this option.

Automatic Payment Plans

Default Payment Cycle

Dropdown list

The default payment cycle for the program.


The payment cycle is the schedule of payments required from customers.


For example: monthly, weekly, etc.


To check the methods for payment schedule calculation, click here.

Due Date Lead Time


The number defined to control the actual due date of the payment plan.

If you set a day count for the Due Date Lead Time, the actual payment due date will be the default payment due date (calculated by Active Net) minus the lead time you defined.

Payment to Collect Up Front


The number of payments (based on payment cycle) required upon registration.


For example: if the payment cycle is weekly, customers might be required to pay 2 weeks in advance upon registration.

Auto-charge Credit Card?


Option to create an automatic payment plan when enrolling customers in programs at the front desk.


These payments are automatically charged to the customer's credit card.

Roll Over Information

Roll Over Options

Roll Over Program?


Option to re-enroll customer into the program.


If this option is selected, the customer is automatically re-enrolled in new program sessions after the current session expires.


Note that re-enrollment in new sessions continues until the customer discontinues the automatic re-enrollment.

Roll Over lead Time (days)


Number of days between the current session expiring and the new session beginning.

Reservation Units per Roll Over


Number of reservation units to roll over.


For example: If the number of reservation units to roll over is set to '2', and the reservation unit is set to Monthly, the program is extended for 2 months.

Future Reservation Units per Roll Over


Number of reservation units for roll overs after the next roll over.

Next Rollover Date


This is the date ACTIVE Net uses to roll over enrolled customers to another session.


When you create the program, it is set as the end date for the following session of the program.


ACTIVE Netrolls over enrolled customers to all session dates before the Next Rollover Date.


For example:

  • Reservation Units are Monthly

  • 1 Reservation Unit per Roll Over

  • Current session is from May 1-31

  • Following session is June 1-30

  • The Next Rollover Date is June 30


To reset this date:

  1. Click Cancel at the top of the page.

  2. In the General Information section, beside Next Rollover Date, click Reset.

Prepaid Discount for Roll Over Programs

Note: The Roll Over Program? checkbox must be selected for these options to appear.

Prepaid Reservation Units


The number of reservation units that qualify for that discount.


For example: Setting Prepaid Reservation Units to '12' when the reservation unit is Monthly means the discount is offered to persons willing to prepay for one year.

Prepayment Prompt


Text that appears when a customer registers for daycare sessions.


For example: 'Register for 12 months and receive a 10% discount!'.

G/L Account

Dropdown list

The general ledger account to which the revenue from this fee goes.


This field defaults to:

  • The G/L account from the activity category attached to the daycare program.

  • The G/L account from the charge record if there was no G/L account in the activity category (or if no activity category is attached to the daycare program).

Discount Type

Dropdown list

The discount type, as selected from either Fixed Discount or Percentage Discount.

Fixed Amount (per reservation unit)


The discount amount for each reservation unit that is attached to the session.

Discount Percent


The discount percentage attached to the session.

Sessions Included in this Program

Available Sessions


Displayed is a list of all sessions maintained in the system with the same program type that can be attached to programs.


A program may have multiple sessions and a session may be attached to multiple programs.


To make a session available for a program, highlight the name of the session in the left column (Available Sessions) and click on the right pointing arrow to move it to the right column (Selected Sessions).

Selected Sessions


Displayed is a list of all sessions maintained in the system with the same program type that can be attached to programs.


A program may have multiple sessions and a session may be attached to multiple programs.


To remove a session from a program, highlight the name of the session under the right column (Selected Sessions) and click on the left-pointing arrow to move it to the left column (Available Sessions).

Participant Information

Participant Restrictions


Dropdown list

The gender for this program, as selected from Male, Female, Coed.


Leave this field blank if the program is not gender specific.

Minimum Age


The minimum age (in years, months and weeks) of a customer who is eligible to register in this program.


Customers must be at least this age to register.


If left at the default of 0, there is no minimum age restriction.

Maximum Age


The maximum age (in years, months and weeks) of a customer who is eligible to register in this program.


Customers must be less than this age to register.


If left at the default of 0, there is no maximum age restriction.


Use these settings to restrict the program to participants within a particular ranges of school grades. To set school grades, go to Grades.

Age Calc Date


The date by which the age of a registrant is calculated (if  different from date of first session).


For example: This option permits you to have a rule where customers must be of a certain age by September 1st for all  programs regardless of the start date of the session.

Maximum Age for Multi-person Fee


The maximum age for which a customer is eligible for a multi-person discount (if there is one attached to the program).


For example: If there is a multi-person discount that is only applicable for customers under the age of 10, then set the maximum age for the multi-child discount at 9.


If this setting is left at zero, there is not an age limit qualification for multi-person discounts.


Note that existing programs with an age limit of 0 are updated to the age listed in the Minor Age fields of the System Settings - General page. This ensures that the functionality for existing programs is retained.

Enrollment Dates/Times

Note: None of these dates are required. If they are all blank, anyone can register at any time.

First Day/Time In Person


First date and time when customers with resident status are permitted to register in person.



First date and time when customers with non-resident status are permitted to register in person.



First date and time when customers with memberships are permitted to register in person.

Last Day/Time In Person


Last date and time when any customer can register in person.

First Date/Time To Display Online


First date and time on which the program is displayed to consumers on the customer site.

First Date/Time To Be Open Online


First date and time when customers with resident status are permitted to register on the customer site.



First date and time when customers with non-resident status are permitted to register on the customer site.



First date and time when customers with memberships are permitted to register on the customer site.

Last Date/Time To Be Open Online


Last date and time when any customer can register on the customer site.

Enrollment Restrictions

Maximum Classes per Day


Maximum number of classes per day in which participants can enroll.

Maximum Classes per Week


Maximum number of classes per week in which participants can enroll.


Allow Express Registrations?


Select this checkbox to allow drop-in customers to register for this program without signing into or possessing an ACTIVENet account.


Note: Selecting this checkbox automatically unselects and disables selection of the Allow Waiting List? checkbox.

Allow Waiting List?


Option to allow a waiting list for this program.

Allow Individual Session Selection?


Option to allow customers to register for separate individual sessions of the program.


If not selected, customers have to register for all the sessions attached to the program.


For example, a program might have AM and PM sessions. If this option is selected, customers may register for either the AM or PM session only (or both). If not, they are required to register for both sessions.

Use Pass or Fail?


Option to include Pass or Fail for the selected program.


If this option is selected, pass/fail grades are recorded for this program.

Allow Trial Class?


Number of seats available for the attending the class on a trial basis.


Note that the trial class capacity is treated as numbers beyond the normal capacity, and so does not affect the regular program registration capacity

Hide on Internet?


Option to hide this program on the internet so that customers cannot view or register in this program on the customer site.


This option also renders the records for asset data as ineligible for asset publication.

Require Authorized Pickups during Enrollment


Option to require an authorized pickup during FlexReg/Daycare enrollment. If this checkbox is selected, then end users must select an authorized pickup during FlexReg/Daycare enrollment.

Default: Unchecked.


To require end users in the CUI to select an authorized pickup, select the System Settings > Configuration – Online > Change their authorized pickups setting. If this setting is unchecked, then in the CUI, during activity or FlexReg program enrollment, the Authorized Pickups section is hidden.

Bypass Date Range?


Option to bypass selection of the date range for registration (customer is automatically registered in all dates).


This applies if there is one program configured where customers can choose which weeks they are registering for but another program where all weeks are automatically assigned.


The second program then has this option selected and bypasses the selection of dates, streamlining the registration.

Allow Hour Edit?


Option to allow staff to edit the number of hours to register for on each day of a session.


For example, sessions might run for 4 hours per day. If this option is selected, then staff can edit the hours to register for to 2 hours per day only, and the fees can be prorated accordingly.

Show system-generated price info online?


Select to show the online Price field at the program level.


If not selected, then you cannot see a price breakdown (e.g. per hour) of the program cost on the customer (public access) site.

Include Indication of Discount Online?


If you deselect this checkbox, the discount indicators (i.e. references to "discountable") for the selected program are not displayed online.


Note: This option is enabled when you select the Show system-generated price info online? checkbox.

Show Scholarship Online?


To hide scholarship discount information on the online program details page, disable this option.


Note: This option is automatically disabled if Show system-generated price info online? (above) is disabled.

Allow Block Booking?


Enable block booking on the Daycare Enrollment page.


If this option is selected, then you can book a block of sessions with a certain frequency over a specified time period rather than selecting all sessions within that time period. After applying block booking, you can still check or uncheck dates on the calendar.

Require block booking


Enable Require block booking on the Daycare Enrollment page.


This allows you to only book a block of sessions with a certain frequency over a specified time period.



The Require block booking check box is visible only when Allow block booking is checked and the reservation unit is ‘Daily’ or ‘Same as billing unit’. (When the reservation unit is ‘Same as billing unit’, program fees are charged per hour or per day.).

Allow Ignore Schedule Conflict?


Select this option to allow consumers in the CUI to ignore schedule conflicts and proceed with their registration for activities of this category.


This option can be selected only if the Allow users to ignore schedule conflicts except for conflicts in the same activity/program category (for the redesigned workflow) option below is NOT selected.

Allow users to ignore schedule conflicts except for conflicts in the same activity/program category (for the redesigned workflow)


Select this option to allow consumers in the CUI to ignore schedule conflicts (except for conflicts within the same activity/program category) and proceed with their registration for activities of this category.


This option can be selected only if the Allow Ignore Schedule Conflict? option above is NOT selected.

Show on Member Experience App checkbox (Show on ACTIVE Net Captivate App)


Setting to display this program (activity) in the ACTIVE Captivate mobile app.

Note that this setting is displayed only if your organization has an ACTIVE Captivate license. To learn more about ACTIVE Captivate, refer here.


Note that an ACTIVENet FlexReg ‘program’ is referred to as an ‘activity’ in ACTIVE Captivate.

Image on Member Experience App (Image on ACTIVE Net Captivate App)


Image for this program (activity) to be displayed in the ACTIVE Captivate mobile app.

Online bookings must be made at least __ Days/Hours in advance


Dropdown list

Use this section to specify a cutoff date or time for making online advanced bookings for a program:

  1. From the dropdown list, select either Days or Hours.

  2. In the box at left, enter a specific number of days or hours, depending on what you selected in step 1.

Online booking changes must be made at least __ Days/Hours in advance


Dropdown list

Use this section to specify a cutoff date or time for making online changes to advanced bookings for programs:

  1. From the dropdown list, select either Days or Hours.

  2. In the box at left, enter a specific number of days or hours, depending on what you selected in step 1.


User Notes


Displayed to staff users in the AUI when enrolling a consumer in a FlexReg program.

Online Notes


Displayed to consumers in the CUI when enrolling in a FlexReg program.

Receipt Notes


Displayed in FlexReg program enrollment receipts.

Custom Question

Custom Question Groups

Available Question Groups


A list of all custom question groups that can be attached to daycare programs (or activities, membership packages, facility event types).


A program may have multiple question groups and a question group may be attached to multiple programs.


To make a custom question group available for a program, highlight the name of the custom question group in the left column (Available Question Groups) and click on the right-pointing arrow to move it to the right column (Selected Question Groups).

Selected Question Groups


A list of all custom question groups maintained in the system that can be attached to daycare programs (or activities, membership packages, facility event types).


A program can have multiple question groups and a question group can be attached to multiple programs.


To remove a custom question group from a program, highlight the name of the custom question group under the right column (Selected Questions) and click on the left-pointing arrow to move it to the left column (Available Question Groups).

Move to top


Click to move a selected custom question to the top of the list.


The group of questions on top are asked first during registration.


Select a custom question group from the Selected Question Groups list, then click Move to top.

Move up one


Click to move a selected custom question group one position up on the list.


The group of questions are asked during registration from top to bottom.


Select a custom question group from the Selected Question Groups list, then click Move up one.

Move to bottom


Click to move a selected custom question group to the bottom of the list.


The bottom group of questions is asked last during registration.


Select a custom question group from the Selected Question Groups list, then click Move to bottom.

Move down one


Click to move a selected custom question group one position down in the list.


The questions in the group are asked from top to bottom during registration.


Select a custom question group from the Selected Question Groups list, then click Move down one.

Individual Custom Questions

Available Questions


A list of all custom questions maintained in the system that can be attached to daycare programs (or activities, membership packages, facility event types) is displayed.


A program can have multiple questions and a question can be attached to multiple programs.


To make a custom question available for a program, highlight the name of the custom question in the left column (Available Questions) and click the right-pointing arrow to move it to the right column (Selected Questions).

Selected Questions


Displayed is a list of all custom questions maintained in the system that can be attached to daycare programs (or activities, membership packages, facility event types).


A program can have multiple questions and a question can be attached to multiple programs.


To remove a custom question from a program, highlight the name of the custom question in the right column (Selected Questions) and click the left-pointing arrow to move it to the left column (Available Questions).

Move to top


Option to move a selected custom question to the top of the list.


The question on top is asked first during registration.


Select a custom question from the Selected Questions list then click Move to top.

Move up one


Option to move a selected custom question one position up in the list.


The questions are asked during registration from top to bottom.


Select a custom question from the Selected Questions list then click Move up one.

Move to bottom


Option to move a selected custom question to the bottom of the list.


The bottom question is asked last during registration.


Select a custom question from the Selected Questions list then click Move to bottom.

Move down one


Option to move a selected custom question one position down in the list.


The questions are asked during registration from top to bottom.


Select a custom question from the Selected Questions list then click Move down one.




List of all skills maintained in the system that can be attached to activities.


Skills attached to an activity can be used for searching or reporting purposes.


Select a skill, then click the right-arrow button to attach it to the activity (the skill is transferred to the Selected list).



List of skills attached to the activity.


Select a skill, then click the left-arrow button to remove it from the activity (the skill is returned to the Available list). Search Channels

To specify the search channels on that categorize this program, choose one of the following:

  • To select sub-channels for this program within the default channels specified on the Daycare Category page:

    1. Select Select Sub Channels under the Default Channels.

    2. Select the sub-channels that you want to use for this program.

  • To select from all possible channels or sub-channels for this program:

    1. Select Override Default.

    2. Select a channel for this program from the Channel 1 list.

    3. Select the sub-channels to use within this channel.

    4. To add another channel, click Choose Another Channel.

Related topics

Return to Daycare Program Functions

Return to Daycare Settings