Reserving a locker

To reserve a locker based on reservation date and time ranges:


    1. Go to Front Desk > Facility Reserve > Reserve Locker.

    2. On the Locker Reserve page, specify search criteria that you want to use to find a locker.

    3. Click Check Availability.

    4. In the Locker Search Result section, select the checkbox for the locker that you want to reserve in the Availability column.

    5. Note: If you see a check instead of an empty checkbox for the locker that you want to reserve, then the locker is already booked for that time or date.

    6. Click Reserve.

    7. On the Locker Reservation Fees page, verify the fees for this locker reservation and enter any other necessary details.

    8. Click Submit.

    9. To pay for the locker reservation, click Pay on the Pending Receipt page.

    10. Select the payer for the reservation and specify the payment method.

    11. Click Pay & Finish.

    12. Either print the receipt or send it to the customer as an email.

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