Package coupons

Use this page to manage a specific coupon for a particular membership package.


    1. Go to Administration > Membership Settings > Packages.

    2. Search for and select a package.

    3. Click Change Coupons.

    4. Select a coupon.

    5. In the What section:

      1. Enter the Coupon Title: Clicking the coupon title takes you to the Change Coupon Detail page, where you can modify coupon details.

      2. Enter a numeric Coupon Code.

      3. Enter a Description for the coupon.

      4. From the dropdown list, select a Charge for the coupon.

      5. From the dropdown list, select a GL Account where the coupon will be applied.

      6. Select the type of discount that the coupon will be. Do one of the following:

        • For a fixed amount discount, under Discount Type, select Fixed Discount. Then enter the dollar amount in the Discount Amount field.

        • For a percentage discount, under Discount Type, select Percentage Discount. Then enter the percentage in the Discount Percent field.

        • Note: To temporarily disable a coupon, select Turn Off Coupon. To re-enable a coupon, clear this checkbox.

    6. In the When section, select when customers may use the coupon:

      1. Use the calendar buttons to select a date range (Date From and Date To) when customers may use the coupon.

      2. (Optional) To use the coupon again in the future, in the Used Again in area, select Days, Weeks or Months from the dropdown list and enter a number of days, weeks or months.

      3. (Optional) To restrict the coupon so customers may only use it at particular times during the date range you specify, select one or more checkboxes for the following:

        • Days of Week

        • Weeks of Month

        • Months of Year

        Note: By default, all checkboxes are selected (that is, the coupon may be used at any time during the date range you specified in step 1).

    7. In the How Many section, choose one or more of the following options:

    8. Click Save to save your changes.

Related topics

Adding or modifying a membership package


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