Creating or modifying a coupon

Coupons are promotional tools used to provide discounts to registration or merchandise fees, daycare programs or for marketing campaigns. For complete descriptions of the options in a section, click the section name below.


    1. Choose one of the following:

    2. Enter the Coupon Title, Coupon Code, Coupon Type, GL Account, and/or other information in the What section.

Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

    1. Enter the dates when the coupon is valid in the When section.

    2. Specify the allowed usage for the coupon in the How Many section.

    3. Specify the activities that qualify for this coupon in the Qualifying Activities section, if applicable.

    4. Specify the memberships that qualify for this coupon in the Qualifying Memberships section, if applicable.

    5. Specify the daycare programs that qualify for this coupon in the Qualifying Daycare Programs section, if applicable.

    6. Specify the customers that qualify for this coupon in the Qualifying Customers and Companies section, if applicable.

    7. Click Save.

Related topics

Defining multiple coupons in a batch

Adding or modifying a coupon category


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