Issuing a mass refund

Use this page to select customers for refund from the list of customers enrolled in a selected activity or FlexReg program.


To issue refunds to multiple customer accounts in an activity

    1. Go to Front Desk > Refund > Registration Mass Refund.

    2. Under the Activity Search Criteria section, search for and select a required activity.

    3. Choose one of the following:


To issue refunds to multiple customer accounts in a FlexReg program

    1. Go to Front Desk > Refund > Registration Mass Refund.

    2. Under the FlexReg Search Criteria section, search for and select a required program.

    3. On the Mass Refund for {program name} page, the date range defaults to the selected program’s start and end dates. If required, specify another date range by which to search for customers.

Customers who are enrolled on dates within the specified date range are returned.

    1. If refund charges are configured, then to apply the refund charges, select the Apply refund charges check box.

    2. For each customer, click ▼ to expand the list of reservation units. Select the reservation units to refund.

Note that the Refund Type can only be To Account. The mass refund feature does not support refunds to a customer’s credit card.

    1. Click Submit.

Note: If multiple payers paid for a customer’s enrollment, then the payer who paid the greatest amount receives the refunded amount. If two payers paid the same amount, then the payer with the lowest Customer ID number receives the refund. To see which payer received the refund, open the customer’s refund receipt.


Note: Click here for details of the fields on this page.

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Return to Refunds