Refunding from an account

Refunding from account consists of searching for the customer or company that is making the refund, specifying the amount to refund from the account, confirming the customer who will receive the refund, and selecting the mode of payment.


    1. Go to Front Desk > Refund from Account.

    2. Search for and select the customer or company that will refund from their account.

    3. On the Refund from Account page, enter the Amount to Refund. The amount cannot be greater than the amount available.

    4. Specify any necessary Staff or Customer Notes.

    5. Click Submit.

    6. On the Pending Receipt page, click Refund.

    7. Select the customer or company that you want to receive the refund.

    8. Select the form of payment that you want to use to issue the refund.

    9. Click Refund and Finish.

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