Custom question search

Use the Custom Question Search page to search for particular custom questions and corresponding answers. 


Go to AdministrationSystem Settings > Custom Questions.


Name of Field Type Description

Question Title


Full or partial title of the custom question.


Dropdown list

Full or partial text of the custom question.

Question Type

Dropdown list

Select a question type from the dropdown list.


Note: You can configure the question types that appear here in the Custom Question Types page.

Answer Type

Dropdown list

Answer type of the custom question:

  • Single

  • Multiple

  • Autofill

Answer Required

Dropdown list

Option to select custom questions that either require an answer or not:

  • Yes

  • No

In Use?

Dropdown list

Option to select custom questions that are either in use or not:

  • Yes

  • No

Click Search to go to the Custom Questions page. To select a custom question from the list, click the Title link.