Custom lists

Custom lists are lists of customers who you can select and group together based on various criteria. You can use a custom list to specify the email recipients for automated mass email messages to customers, or to print mailing labels for promotional postal mail.


You can save and reuse a custom list definition in the future if necessary.

Go to section

Custom List



Communication > List Builder > Create Customer Lists

Using Custom Lists

To add

From the Report Definition for Custom Lists page, click Add New to go to the Custom Lists page.

To modify

From the Report Definition for Custom Lists page, click a custom list Title to display the Custom Lists page.


The Custom Lists page includes the following options:

Name of Field Type Description

Custom List



Name of the custom list.



Dropdown list

(Optional) If you select a site, then the custom list can only be used by that specific site.



(Read Only)

Date when the custom list definition was created.

Last Modified


(Read Only)

Date when the custom list definition was last modified.

Use Payer Information in the Customer List?


To include in the customer list only payers for transactions using the filters you select, choose this option.

Used to Generate Instructor List?


Select to generate a list of instructors based on the activities they teach.


Enables the Instructors section below.


Custom list definition criteria are divided into the following sections:


Click the More>>> link beside the section title to expand a specific section. Click the <<<Less link to collapse a section.


At the bottom of the page, do one of the following:

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