Enrolling a customer in an activity

Enrolling a customer in an activity includes the following steps.   


    1. Go to Front Desk > Registration > Enroll.

    2. On the Activity Enrollment page, enter criteria that you want to use to search for an activity.

    3. Click Search.

    4. Click the Name of the activity that you want to enroll in.

    5. In the Find Customer section, enter criteria that you want to use to search for a customer.

    6. Click Search.

    7. Click the Name of the customer who you want to enroll.

    8. If the activity is configured to require a USA Hockey number, under the Verify USA Hockey Number section, in the USA Hockey # field, enter the customer’s USA Hockey number and in the Position dropdown, select the customer’s position and then click Verify.

    9. If you are enrolling in a private lesson, search for and select the private lesson bookings that you want in the Private Lessons Booking for private lesson section.

    10. In the Enrollment Fees section, select the Type of Registration that you want to create (you can choose to Enroll, Enroll with payment plan, Enroll with deposit, or Add to Waiting List).

    11. Specify coupons, select enrollment fees, specify third party billing details, specify the authorized pickup, add notes, select custom questions, and/or apply overrides, if applicable.

    12. Click Enroll and Pay.

    13. Note: If you are using a payment plan, confirm payment plan details on the Payment Plan page.

    14. On the Receipt Payment page, select the customer or company who will pay for the enrollment.

    15. Select a payment method in the Receipt Payment section.

    16. Click Pay & Finish.

    17. Either print the receipt or send it to the customer as an email.


If the activity’s associated facility has been booked by other activities, FlexReg program or permit, the Scheduling Conflict popup displays a list of schedule conflicts. You can selectively override conflicts, edit schedule conflicts, delete activity meeting dates, or ignore conflicts for now.  

Related topics

Enrolling in an activity from a deposit

Enrolling in an activity from a waitlist


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