Enrolling in an activity from a deposit

To enroll a customer who has already paid a deposit for an activity:


    1. Go to Front Desk > Registration > Enroll from deposit.

    2. Either enter the Receipt Number for the original enrollment or search for and select the customer who originally enrolled with a deposit.

    3. In the Select Transaction for Enroll from Deposit section, click the Description of the transaction with the deposit that you want to enroll from.

    4. In the Enroll from Deposit Fees section, select and update enrollment fees, specify third party billing details, add notes, and select associated teams, if applicable.

    5. Click Enroll and Pay.

    6. On the Receipt Payment page, select the customer or company who will pay for the enrollment.

    7. Select a payment method in the Receipt Payment section.

    8. Click Pay & Finish.

    9. Either print the receipt or send it to the customer as an email.

Related topics

Enrolling in an activity from a waitlist

Enrolling a customer in an activity  


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