Modifying customer details

Use the Change Customer Details page to view or edit customer information.


    1. Choose one of the following:

    2. Search for and select the customer that you want to modify.

    3. Click Change Details.

    4. Enter the customer's name, address, phone number, and email address.

    5. Select the customer's Gender and Date of Birth.

    6. Select the customer's correct grade in the Grade or Grade Override dropdown list, if different from the Calculated Grade.

    7. Note: If you are unable to select the correct grade for this customer or if you want to prevent ACTIVE Net from automatically calculating grades based on customer ages, then try disabling the Calculate Grade Based on Age? setting in the Grade Settings section of the Registration Configuration page.

    8. Enter the Customer Type.

    9. Note: The customer type determines the charges that will be applied to this customer for facility reservations.

    10. Check Resident? if the customer qualifies for resident status.

    11. Enter the External ID, if applicable.

    12. In the Security Information section, specify the customer's Login Name, Password, security Question, and/or Answer for the customer (public access) site, if applicable.

    13. In the Notes section, enter any notes or alerts for the customer.

    14. In the Linked Companies section, specify any companies that have this customer as an authorized agent, if applicable.

    15. Click Submit.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

Related topics

Adding or modifying a customer


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