Email/text message batch list

Use this page to search for and display mass email and text message batch definitions.


To filter the list, specify search criteria such as the From address, date and time created, subject, scheduled send date and time, and status of the email batch.


From the list, you can edit batch email definitions to create new definitions and you can cancel email batches which have not been sent.



By default, email batch definitions which have not been completed (status is Ready, In Progress, In Edit) are selected.


You can use the following search criteria in your search:

Name of Field Type Description

Email/Text Message Batch Search Criteria



"From" addresses of the email batch definitions to display.


Click the link to display the 'From' Address List page and select From addresses. If you select multiple From addresses, all email batch definitions from any of the addresses are included in the search results.

Created date and time


Date and time range (From, To) when the email batches were created.



Text in the subject line of the email or text message.

Scheduled sent date and time


Date and time range (From, To) when the email batches were scheduled to be sent.



Option to display email batch definitions depending on their status.


The available statuses are:

  • Ready: Email batch has been queued for transmission (Run Report has been selected), and ready to be sent on the next system send cycle, or on the scheduled date and time.

  • In Progress: Email batch is currently being sent, but not yet completed.

  • In Edit: Email batch definition is currently being edited, and is queued for transmission only when Run Report is selected.

  • Completed: Email batch has been completed.

  • Cancelled: Email batch has been cancelled.


In the search results grid, click the From link of an email batch to go to the Change Bulk Email Tasks paqe, where the email recipient list of the batch is displayed and you can edit the email batch definition. You can edit completed or canceled email batch definitions and save them as a new email batch definition, or you can edit and save unsent email batches (statuses are Ready or In Progress) in the same file.


If you cancel an email batch that is In Progress, it is terminated immediately (all remaining unsent email will not be sent).

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