Activity budgeting information

Use this page to establish a budget for activities and then compare that budget to actual income vs expenses. This helps to determine whether or not pre-enrollment planning adequately predicted the actual enrollment and expense totals.


    1. Go to Administration > Registration Settings > Activities.

    2. Search for and select an activity.

    3. Click Change Budgeting Information.


The following options are included on the Activity Budgeting Information page:

Name of Field



Budgeting Information

Budgeted Income


Budgeted income for the activity.


When you select the override checkbox, you can modify this amount.

Budgeted Wages


Budgeted wages for the activity.


When you select the override checkbox, you can modify this amount.


When the override checkbox is not selected, this field represents the expected amount owed the instructor using the normal calculations for instructor pay and the dates and hours, number of classes, etc. When an instructor is being paid by the student, ACTIVE Net uses the value in the minimum enrollment field for all the primary fees.

Budgeted Expenses


Budgeted expenses for the activity.


Since there is no data that can accurately estimate basic expenses, it is up to you to enter this budget information.

Budgeted Net Revenue


This field represents a combination of the Budgeted Income, Budgeted Wages, and Budgeted Expenses fields.

Override automatically calculated budget amounts?


When this option is not selected, calculations are done automatically.