Changing online configuration for an activity

Use this page to add or modify additional activity descriptions or details that are displayed on the Quick Register page. The Quick Register page can be accessed by agencies from a content management system (CMS).


You can use the toolbar to format the text or enter formatting code directly. The text is displayed on the top part of the Quick Register page.

Go to section

Quick Event Alternate Description

Quick Event Alternate Additional Details

Instructor Details

Activity Specific Waiver


    1. Go to Administration > Registration Settings > Activities.

    2. Search for and select an activity.

    3. Click Change Activity Online Config.


The following options are included on the Change Online Config page:

Name of Field Type Description

Quick Event Alternate Description


Dropdown list

Select a style to apply to the text.


Dropdown list

Select a font to apply to the text.


Dropdown list

Select a size for the text.

Formatting Toolbar


Includes other formatting options: Bold, Italicize, Underline, Paragraph Alignment, Horizontal Rule, Ordered and Unordered List, Indent and Outdent, Text and Background Color, Insert Hyperlink, Image, and Table.

View Source


View and edit the source code of the text.

Include text in regular section


Include the text in the regular section.

Quick Event Alternate Additional Details

Quick Event Alternate Description Text Box

Text Box

Enter an alternate description of the activity to display on the Quick Register page.

Quick Event Alternate Additional Details Text Box

Text Box

Enter alternate additional details of the activity to display on the Quick Register page.


This text appears below the Quick Event Alternate Description near the top of the Quick Register page.

View Source


View the source code of the text.

Include text in regular section


Include the text in the regular section.

Instructor Details

Show Online


List of instructors that are displayed online.


Select an instructor, then click an arrow button to move the instructor to the Show Online or the Do Not Show Online list.

Do Not Show Online


List of instructors that are not displayed online.


Select an instructor, then click an arrow button to move the instructor to the Show Online or the Do Not Show Online list.

Activity Specific Waiver


Text Box

This additional waiver displays when online customers select a sub-activity from the Quick Register page.


This feature ensures that Quick Register transactions have the same entry form for signing the waiver and selecting registration details.