Daycare configuration

Use this page to define default settings for your daycare programs.

Go to section

General Settings

Advance Enrollment

Default Settings


Administration > Daycare Settings > Configuration


General Settings

Require payment information for non-monetary enrollment?


Select this option to specify that

when customers enroll for a free daycare program (on the staff site or the public interface), they must enter their credit card / electronic check information to finish the enrollment.

Auto Close Programs after last date?


Option to change the status of programs whose last session dates are in the past to Closed.

This hides the program from front desk program searches.

Allow consumers to cancel FlexReg sessions in the Captivate app?


Allow consumers to cancel their FlexReg session enrollments in the ACTIVE Captivate Consumer iOS/Android apps by selecting this checkbox.

Advance Enrollment

Online bookings must be made at least __ Days/Hours in advance


Dropdown list

Use this section to specify a cutoff date or time for making online advanced bookings for a program:

  1. From the dropdown list, select either Days or Hours.

  2. In the box at left, enter a specific number of days or hours, depending on what you selected in step 1.

Online booking changes must be made at least __ Days/Hours in advance


Dropdown list

Use this section to specify a cutoff date or time for making online changes to advanced bookings for programs:

  1. From the dropdown list, select either Days or Hours.

  2. In the box at left, enter a specific number of days or hours, depending on what you selected in step 1.

Default Settings

Default Search Criteria

Program Type

Dropdown list

Set the default program type for daycare program searches.


Dropdown list

Select the default program status that you want to use when searching for daycare programs (you can always override this status at the time you do the search).

Default Settings for New Program

Program Type

Dropdown list

Select the default program type that you want to use for all new programs.


Dropdown list

Select the default program status that you want to use when creating a new daycare program (you can always override this status at the time you create the program).

Allow Wait Listing?


Option to allow a waitlist for this program.

Allow Individual Session Selection?


Option to allow customers to register for separate individual sessions of the program.


If not selected, customers have to register for all the sessions attached to the program.


For example, a program might have AM and PM sessions. If this option is selected, customers may register for either the AM or PM session only (or both). If not, they are required to register for both sessions.

Use Pass or Fail?


Option to include Pass or Fail for the selected program.


If this option is selected, pass/fail grades are recorded for this program.

Allow Trial Class?


Number of seats available for the attending the class on a trial basis.


Note that the trial class capacity is treated as numbers beyond the normal capacity, and so does not affect the regular program registration capacity.

Bypass Date Range?


Option to bypass selection of the date range for registration (customer is automatically registered in all dates).


This applies if there is one program configured where customers can choose which weeks they are registering for, but another program where all weeks are automatically assigned.


The second program would have this option selected and bypass the selection of dates, streamlining the registration.

Hide on Internet?


Option to hide this program on the internet so that customers cannot view or register in this program on the customer site.


This option also renders the records for asset data as ineligible for asset publication.

Allow Block Booking?


Enable block booking on the Daycare Enrollment page.


This allows you to book a block of sessions with a certain frequency over a specified time period rather than selecting all sessions within that time period. After applying block booking, you can still check or uncheck dates on the calendar.

Require block booking


Enable Require block booking on the Daycare Enrollment page.


This allows you to only book a block of sessions with a certain frequency over a specified time period.



The Require block booking check box is visible only when the Allow block booking check box is checked.

Allow Hour Edit?


Option to allow the user to edit the number of hours to register for on each day of a session.


For example, sessions might run for 4 hours per day. If this option is selected, staff can edit the hours to register for to 2 hours per day only, and the fees can be prorated accordingly.

Show system-generated price info online?


Select this option to show the online Price field at the program level.


If not selected, you cannot see a price breakdown (e.g. per hour) of the program cost on the customer (public access) site.

Include Indication of Discount Online?


If you clear this checkbox, the discount indicators (i.e. references to "discountable") for the selected program are not displayed online.


Note: This option is enabled when you select Show system-generated price info online?

Show Scholarship Online?


To hide scholarship discount information on the online program details page by default, clear this option.


Note: This option is automatically disabled if Show system-generated price info online? (above) is disabled.

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