Frequently asked questions

FAQs are questions and answers to be posted on the customer site (accessed through the intro page) to assist your customer with using your site.  


If no FAQs are maintained, the link will not be displayed on the customer site.


Sample FAQs are available here.


On the customer site, the FAQs are displayed as follows:

to FAQs For Online Registration Customers

Q: How do I create an account?
Q: How do I register?

Q: How do I create an account?

A: To create an account ... (detailed answer located here)
                                                                            Back to Top

Q: How do I register?

A: To register... (detailed answer located here)
                                                                            Back to Top

Where are they found?

    1. Select the Administration tab.

    2. Select the following menu links: Web Admin > FAQ.

How are they added or modified?

To add

From the Frequently Asked Questions List page, clicking the Add New button will bring you to the Change Frequently Asked Question page, allowing you to create a new record.


To modify a question

From the Frequently Asked Questions List page, clicking an underlined Question displays the selected record in the Change Frequently Asked Question page, allowing you to make the necessary changes.

The Change Frequently Asked Question page contains the following fields, with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description
Question Text

The question as it will appear after Q: on the customer site.


Recommendation is that the question end in a question mark (?) for clarity.


Answer Text

The answer as it will appear after A: on the customer site.


To change the order of the questions

From the Frequently Asked Questions List page, clicking the Change List Order link brings you to the Change List Order page with the list of questions in the FAQ list in the order in which they were entered (if the order has not been changed before). This page allows you to change the order in which the questions will be displayed on the customer site.


On the right hand side of the listbox, you have the following options to move a highlighted question:


When the changes have been made to the FAQ order, click the Submit button to save the new order and return to the Frequently Asked Questions List page.


Note: If copying text from Word, be sure to use the following steps:

    1.  Use Save As selecting Plain Text(*.txt) as the file type.

    2. On the resulting File Conversion dialog, choose Other encoding as the Text encoding method, select Unicode(UTF-8) from the dropdown, check the Allow character substitution checkbox and click OK.  

    3. Open the saved .txt file and copy and paste from that.