FAQ examples

To maintain FAQs

Optional Questions Suggested Answer(s)

How do I begin the online registration process?

First establish an online account.

How do I establish an online account?

Before registering for any programs or activities online, establish an online registration account and obtain a customer ID and password.


To create an online registration account:


  1. Click My Account.

  2. Complete the New Account Request form, including the birth date, and click Submit. Please submit your request only once.

  3. Note: If you are registering a child for a program, please use your own information when filling out the online registration account request form, NOT the information of the child you wish to register for an activity. Once you have an online registration account, you will have the opportunity to add family members.

  4. Your account will be automatically approved. You will also receive an email confirming the successful entry of your account. This email is normally sent to you within 24 hours of requesting an online registration account. Be sure to keep a record of your password. Write down your password as you will need it to register online in the future.

  5. ALTERNATIVE RESPONSE FOR ACCOUNT APPROVAL for #3: You will receive an email automatically after submitting your request for an account. Your account will be activated only after you have responded by clicking on the link provided in the email.

How do I register online for an activity?

Once your account has been established and approved (see above questions), it's easy to register for programs and activities:


  1. Click Register Now on the registration home page.

  2. Select the activity that you would like to enroll in. Click the underlined activity name to see a detailed activity description.

  3. Click Add to My Cart if you wish to register for the activity.

  4. Next, sign in to your online registration account by entering your Customer ID and Password. Click Continue to proceed to your Checkout Shopping Cart. On this page you can empty or remove activities from your cart, view more activities and add them to your cart, or update your cart information.

  5. Important: If more than one family member is attending the activity, change the quantity registering for the activity and then click Update Cart.

  6. Confirm your activity name, date and time, enrollee and price.

  7. Click Continue to proceed with payment. You will be prompted that you are entering a secure site. Click Yes. Enter your credit card information on the Payment Information page. Click Continue. We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express.

  8. Note: The name and address must match those that are on file with your credit company. If the address shown is not your credit card billing address, click My Account and change your residential address to match your credit card billing address.

  9. Print your receipt for the online registration. Once your payment has been approved, your receipt will display. Please print a copy of your receipt for your records.

How many accounts should each family have?

We recommend that each family establish one account.


Create the account in the name of a head of household and then add all family member names to the account after it is established (see next question).

How many Family Members can I add to My Account?

You may add as many members into your account as necessary.

Can I view activities without registering?

You can always browse through the activities without registering.


Click Register Now and view the activities that are offered.

What do I do if I forgot my password?

From the My Account page, enter your Login name.


Then select the Forgot your Password box and click Continue.  


You will advance to the custom security question that you created when establishing your account. 


If, after reviewing your custom security question you do not recall your password, or if your password is not valid, then please contact our office during normal business hours and a member of our staff will assist you.

What will happen if I try to register for an activity that is fully enrolled?

Your name will be placed on a waiting list to be contacted in the event that a space in that class/activity opens up or additional classes are added.


If you do not want to be placed on the waiting list, click Remove


If you are on a waiting list and a space opens in the class, then you will be contacted immediately. 


If we are unable to reach you within 24 hours, then your space will be given to the next customer on the waiting list.

Can I view my transaction history and print out my past receipts online?

Yes, from the date on which your online account is established.


Use the My Account feature to view a detailed list of your past transactions.


Sign in, click My Account, and select the program(s) providing transaction history.

How can I view a schedule of my family's upcoming scheduled activities?

Use the My Account feature to view a weekly schedule of your family’s upcoming scheduled activities.


Sign in, click My Account, and then click Family Schedule.


A weekly schedule will display all of the activities that your family have enrolled in. You can click the activity for more information, including the facility location where the activity is being held.

Do I pay a convenience fee?

Yes, there is a small convenience fee typical of any internet sales site.  


The fee is a percentage of the total receipt amount.