The Generate Schedule function for leagues and tournaments is used to actually create the League or Tournament Schedule based on the previously entered league/tournament schedule configuration information.
Prior to generating the league or tournament schedule, the following data points must be configured:
Select the Administration tab.
Select the following menu links: League Settings > Leagues.
Search for and select the desired league or tournament.
Select the Manage Schedules link.
Search for and select the desired schedule.
Select the Generate League (or Tournament) Schedule link.
Before actually creating the league/tournament schedule, you will be presented with a Scheduling Request Summary page which will list the following information:
Start Date
End Date
Number of Teams
Game Sites
Type of Schedule
Duration of Games
Number of Rounds/Matches (leagues only)
Number of Matches per Week (leagues only)
If you find any errors in the Scheduling Request Summary, you can click on the Back button and modify the necessary information before coming back to generate the schedule.
If you are satisfied that all the information is correct, clicking Generate Schedule will actually create the league/tournament schedule.
If the schedule has been generated previously, the Generate Schedule button will read Re-generate Schedule instead and you can re-generate the schedule. This may be done if, for example, the schedule was generated before an error was caught, such as an incorrect game site.
Before re-generating a schedule, you will be warned that all existing schedules will be deleted and you can click OK to proceed with the re-generation or Cancel to leave the schedule as it is.
If there are issues encountered while generating the schedule, you will be presented with an error or warning message. The following are lists of potential scheduling error and warning messages.
Potential Scheduling Error Messages
Must provide bookings for the schedule.
There are no bookings available during the specified date range.
Unable to create schedule. The combination of reserved bookings and required games causes teams to play multiple games at the same time. Please check the booking setup.
Unable to create schedule. The combination of reserved bookings and required games causes teams to play multiple games at the same time. Please try another balancing setting or check your booking setup.
Unable to create an elimination schedule with the current booking setup. Please check the booking setup.
There are not enough bookings to complete the schedule.
Cannot create back-to-back games as not enough back-to-back bookings exist with this balancing option. Please check the booking setup or try another balancing option.
Cannot create back-to-back games as not enough back-to-back bookings exist. Please check the booking setup.
Potential Scheduling Warning Messages
There were not enough bookings to share them between x leagues.
Could not automatically shuffle the schedule to meet the maximum games per week per team limit.