Instructor timesheet entry list

This page is used to enter instructor timesheet records for non-booking related payroll.


Examples of non-booking related items are:

Go to section

General Information


Payment Schedule Information


    1. Select Administration > Registration Settings > Instructor Timesheets.

    2. Search for and select an instructor timesheet entry record.

Adding and Modifying

To add

From the Instructor Timesheet Entry page, clicking Add New brings you to the Change Instructor Timesheet Entry page where you create a new instructor timesheet.


To modify

From the Instructor Timesheet Entry page, clicking an underlined Name displays the Change Instructor Timesheet Entry page, allowing you to make any necessary changes.


On the Change Instructor Timesheet Entry page, you will find the following input fields with the option to Save, Delete or Cancel the record at the bottom of the page:


Note: If the activities on the timesheet are part of a payroll period that has already been processed, then you cannot edit the instructor timesheet.

Name of Field Type Description

General Information

Instructor Dropdown list Name of instructor that the timesheet entry is attached to, as selected from a predefined list, or by clicking the icon to launch the Instructor Search page, where an instructor can be selected.

Instructor Role

Dropdown list

To have ACTIVE Net automatically calculate the instructor's payment, select an Instructor Role from the dropdown list, then enter the number of (hours) and (minutes).


Note: If you are performing a manual timesheet entry (i.e. you have selected Enter Amount Manually), this field is inaccessible.


Dropdown list

Site that the timesheet entry is attached to.

Instructor Timesheet Entry Name


Description of what the instructor timesheet entry is for.

Instructor Timesheet Entry Number


Optional reference number for the instructor timesheet entry.

Total Payment Amount


Select Enter Amount Manually, and then enter the total amount the instructor will be paid for the timesheet entry.


Note: If you are calculating a payment based on an Instructor Role, (i.e. Enter Amount Manually is deselected), this field is inaccessible.

Instructor Timesheet Entry Type

Dropdown list

Select the category or grouping for the timesheet entry.

Activity Category

Dropdown list

Select the type of activity the instructor taught for this timesheet entry.

Activity Other Category

Dropdown list

Select an activity other category the instructor taught for this timesheet entry.

Activity Type

Dropdown list

Select the activity type for the activity the instructor taught for this timesheet entry.

Organization Department


Department related to the timesheet entry.

Parent Season


Parent season the instructor timesheet entry is attached to.

Child Season


Child season the instructor timesheet entry is attached to.

Expense GL Account

Dropdown list

Select a GL account to post this timesheet entry to as an expense.


Note: Only "Expense" type GL and unclassified accounts are available.



Special internal notes for the instructor timesheet entry.

Exclude from Payroll?


Select this option to exclude this timesheet entry from payroll records.


Special internal notes for the instructor timesheet entry. Do one of the following:

Payment Schedule Information

Billing Starts

Dropdown list

Select from the dropdown list when the billing should start for this payment plan.


Immediately will start the billing on the First Payment date specified, while Next iteration will start the billing on the next period after the date specified.


For example, if the First Payment date specified is Feb.22 and the frequency is monthly, Next iteration will set the first billing on March 22.


Dropdown list

Select from the dropdown list how often billing should occur for the payment plan.


The payment dates will be automatically calculated based on the frequency selected.

First Payment


Enter the date (in month, day, year format) or click on the calendar icon to set the first payment date of the plan if billing is set to start Immediately.


If billing is set to start on the Next iteration, the first billing will be on the next period after the date specified.

Average Payment


The automatically calculated average payment amount for each billing.

Payment Schedule


The amount and date of each payment.

Customize Payment


To customize a payment, select a billing amount and date from the billing list and click the here hyperlink to display them on the Date and Amount fields.


Change the Date and Amount as desired then click on Modify Payment link. The modified date and amount will be displayed on the billing list.


Note: When changing the billing amounts, the total amount for all billings should remain equal to the original payment plan amount.


For example, if you deduct $50 from one billing, the $50 should be added to another billing to maintain the original payment plan amount.