Instructor search

You can use the following criteria in an instructor search:

Name of Field Type Description

Instructor Search Criteria

First Name


Full or partial first name of the instructor.

Last Name


Full or partial last name of the instructor.

Employee Number


Enter the instructor's employee number.

Sounds like


Select this option to include all instructors whose last name sounds like the last name that you have specified above.


This option is useful when you are unsure of the exact spelling of a customer's last name.

Customer Type

Dropdown list

Option to filter search by customer type.

Company Name


Name of the company that the instructor represents.

Company Employer ID Number


Federal Tax ID number used to identify the company that the instructor represents.



Enter the instructor's Social Security Number (SSN).


To use a term other than "SSN" (for example: if you use the field for another type of customer number), see Wording Configuration.


To specify the length and type of the number (alphanumeric or numeric only), see General Defaults.

E-mail Address


E-mail address of the instructor.



Full or partial address of the instructor.


Dropdown list/Textbox

The country in which the instructor is located.


This option appears only if you have selected Allow international addresses in System Settings - General.


Note: If you have selected a country whose states are not in ACTIVE Net's database (for example: Afghanistan), then the dropdown list for states disappears, and a text box appears in its place so that you can manually enter the state.



Full or partial city of the instructor's address.


Dropdown list

State or province of the instructor's address.



Zip or postal code code of the instructor's address.



Full or partial telephone number of the instructor, which may include an area code and local extension.


Dropdown list

Site that the instructor is assigned to.


This field appears only if you have 'system admin' security permissions.

Include Prevent Further Use?


Select this option if you want to include retired instructors in the search results.


Retired instructors are instructors that do not appear in the list of instructors to select when you are assigning instructors to activities.

PFU as of


Note: This option is only available if you have selected the Include Prevent Further Use? checkbox.


Choose one of the following:

  • To include all instructors that are marked as Prevent Further Use, leave this option blank.

  • To include all instructors that are marked as Prevent Further Use as of a specific date, enter that date.



Select one or more skills attached to the instructor.


The search results include instructors who have at least one of the selected skills.

Customer Direct Access

Customer ID


To access an instructor's record directly, enter their customer ID.

Click Search to view the Instructor List page. To select an instructor from the list, click a Name. To select multiple instructors (i.e. when used as report criteria), first click the names of the instructors and then click Done to close the window.


Tip: To change your search criteria instead of starting a new search, at the top of the page, click Modify Search.