Receipt text

This page contains the default text that appear on customer receipts and other business documents such as vouchers, permits, and statements.


Note: The default text entered in the page will be overridden if corresponding text are entered in the Site page.

Where is it found?

How is it modified?

On the System Settings - Text page, you will find the following input fields with the option to Save at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description
Receipts Text The text to print on receipts.
Registration Receipts Text The text to print on registration receipts.
Permit Receipts Text The text to print on permit receipts.
Membership Receipts Text The text to print on membership receipts.
Day Care Receipts Text The text to print on day care receipts.
Vouchers Text The text to print on vouchers.
Wait Lists Text The text to print on waitlist confirmations.
Permits Text The text to print on reservation permits.
A/R Statements Text The text to print on A/R statements.
Overdue A/R Statements Text The text to print on overdue A/R statements.

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