Activity custom questions

Use this page to manage the custom questions that are attached to an activity.

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General Information

Override Question Settings

Override Question Answers

To modify activity custom question groups

To change existing activity custom question groups, click an underlined Group Name link from the Activity Custom Questions page.


The following options are included on the Change Activity Custom Question Group page:

Name of Field Type Description

General Information

Question Group

Dropdown list 

Select a question group from the list.


Note: You can configure the question groups that appear in the list on the Custom Question Groups page.


Group Order


Order that the group appears in the list of custom questions asked on the Activity Enrollment page.


The following options are includeed on the Change Activity Custom Question Detail page:

Name of Field Type Description

General Information

Custom Question

Dropdown list 

The title of the custom question attached to the activity.


Note that the title is not necessarily the question itself. For example: Title = "Shirt size"; Question = "What is your t-shirt size?"


Question Order


Order that the question appears in the list of custom questions asked on the Activity Enrollment page.

Override Question Settings


Dropdown list 

Option to require an answer to the custom question during registration.


Note: To follow the original setting in the custom question record, leave the field blank. For example: if the custom question setting requires an answer, then leave the field blank (or setting it to Yes) to require it for the activity. Set the field to No if you do not require an answer during registration for the activity, even though the original record setting requires it.

Prevent Editing of Answer After


After this date, a customer's previously-recorded answer cannot be changed, but the question can still be asked of new customers.

Do Not Show After


Expiry date of the custom question.


After the expiry date, the custom question is no longer asked during registration.

Override Question Answers



Option to display custom question answers on the Activity Enrollment page.


Select this checkbox to enable the Default Response and Activity Quota fields.

Default Response


Option to select the answer that is the default response for the custom question on the Activity Enrollment page.


To specify no default answer for this question, select the select blank option:

  • Select the default button to display the custom question default answer.

  • Select the select blank button to display a textbox next to the custom question.



Answers that are attached to the custom question.

Activity Quota


Number of times that a custom question multiple choice answer can be used before it is no longer available for selection for the activity.


As registrations take place on the staff site or the customer (public access site), ACTIVE Net tracks the number of times a given answer is selected.


Once the answer's quota has been used up, the answer is no longer available for selection and a Message for Used-up Answers appears.


If a customer changes an existing answer, their old answer goes back into the pool of available answers, since it is no longer 'held' by that customer.


Use this feature to link custom questions to inventory restrictions (for example: a limited number of t-shirt sizes or player positions that are available on a first-come or first-serve basis).

To delete activity custom questions

    1. From the Activity Custom Questions page, click the underlined Question Name link for the custom question that you want to delete.

    2. On the Change Activity Custom Question Detail page, click Delete. A pop-up confirmation dialog box appears.

    3. Click OK.