Activity enrollment & financial totals

Use activity enrollment and financial totals to view a summary of an activity's enrollment and financial status and performance.

Prerequisite Components

Prior to accessing the activity totals, configure the activity.


    1. Go to AdministrationRegistration Settings > Activities.

    2. Search for and select an activity.

    3. Click Activity Totals.


The Activity Enrollment & Financial Totals page displays information about enrollment totals and financial totals:

Name of Field Description

Enrollment Totals

Minimum Enrollment

Minimum number of customers who must be registered in the activity for the activity to be held, as defined in the activity setup.

Maximum Enrollment

Maximum number of customers who can be registered in the activity, as defined in the activity setup.

Resident Enrolled

Current number of registrants in this activity who are residents.


Note: This number does not include those enrolled with deposit.

Non-Resident Enrolled

Current number of registrants in this activity who are non-residents.


Note: This number does not include those enrolled with deposit.

On Waiting List

Current number of customers on the waiting list for this activity.

Number of Holds

Current number of customers on hold with a deposit

OnLine Resident Enrolled

The number of resident registrants in this activity who registered through the customer site.


Note: These registrations are already included in the resident enrolled total.

OnLine Non-Resident Enrolled

The number of non-resident registrants in this activity who registered over the customer site.


Note: These registrations are already included in the non-resident enrolled total.

Pending Enrollments

The number of registrations in progress for this activity (pending registrations on customer site prior to receiving payment).


The current number of open spots calculated based on the maximum enrollment less the number enrolled and the number of holds.

API Enrollments

This field displays the number of enrollments created via the ACTIVENet Gateway APIs.

Financial Totals

Total Sales

The revenue collected for this activity.


The deposits collected for this activity.


The total discounts applied to the registrations in this activity.

Total Income

The total income calculated by adding sales and deposits and subtracting discounts given.


The total refunds or credits given for this activity.


The expenses recorded against this activity.

Net Revenue

The net revenue calculated based on the total income less refunds and expenses.