Activity merchandise

Use this page to attach POS products to an activity as merchandise to be sold to customers during registration.

Prerequisite Components

Prior to assigning merchandise to an activity, configure the following data points:

POS Products



The following options are included on the Change Activity Merchandise page:

Name of Field Type Description

Merchandise Information

POS Product

Dropdown list

The name of the POS product to attach to the activity.


Default Quantity


The default quantity of the product to sell to the customer during registration.

Minimum Quantity


The minimum quantity of the product that should be purchased by the customer if it is required for enrollments on the customer (public access) site.


Enter a value of 0 to specify that there is no minimum quantity.


Note: There is no minimum quantity for enrollments on the staff site.

G/L Account

Dropdown list

The general ledger account for revenue from sales of this product.


If the product is a discount, select the G/L account from which the charge comes.


Required (if using fee splits).


Dropdown list

Select the taxes to charge for this product.

Required Online


Option to require online customers who are enrolling on the public site to purchase this product.


Select this option to specify that a customer has to purchase at least the minimum quantity for the online enrollment to continue.


If you select this option, the Include checkbox is automatically selected but can still be cleared during enrollment on the staff site.

Customer Notes


Notes that appear on the receipt if the product is purchased with the enrollment.