Change permit customer

Use this page to change the customer or company attached to a permit.


The following options are included on the Change Permit Customer page:

Name of Field Type Description


Read only

Name of the company attached to the permit.

Find a different company


Click the link to launch the Company Search page, where you can select another company to attach to the permit.

New Company


Click the link to launch the Change Company Detail page, where you can create a new company and attach it to the permit.


Read only

Name of the customer for whom the permit was issued.

Find a different customer


Click the link to launch the Customer Search page, where you can select another customer to attach to the permit.

New Customer


Click the link to launch the Add New Customer page, where you can create a new customer and attach it to the permit.

Permit Administrator

Dropdown list

Select a permit administrator for the permit, if necessary.


The permit administrator is the staff representative who is primarily responsible for communication with the permit's customers.

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