Entry points

Entry points correspond to the physical locations where your customers can scan membership passes. Use entry points to track and report on membership usage at your locations. Select entry points for your workstations where customers scan their passes. The workstation determines which entry point is in use and which membership passes are valid.

Go to section


Display Fields

Validation Types

Scan/Gate Fields

Hours of Operation

Prerequisites Components

Prior to entering entry points, configure the following:




The following options are included on the Change Entry Point Detail page:

Name of Field Type Description




The name of the entry point.




A brief description of the entry point.


Dropdown List

The facility where the entry point is located.


By default, the facility tracks both check-in and check-out times:

  • To track only check-ins, select Check-in Only Entry.

  • To track only check-outs, select Check-out Only Entry.

  • To track both check-ins and check-outs, select Check in & out Entry.



If the entry point is set to Check in & out Entry, then:

  • Track the number of persons, Set Maximum Capacity and Set Check-in Time Limit sub-settings are displayed.

  • you can enter the maximum capacity and check-in time limit. (Under the Scan/Gate Fields section on the same Change Entry Point page, if the gatekicker type is set to Team Axxess, only the Set Check-in Time Limit check box is available. Set Maximum Capacity is not supported for Team Axxess.)

Track the number of persons


If this setting is enabled, then:

  • for users logged into this entry point workstation, the Pass Validation page includes the Persons field which displays the number of persons in the facility and the configured maximum capacity of the facility.
  • The Allow guest check-in and Warning Capacity sub-settings are displayed.

Allow guest check-in


Option to allow guest check-in.

If this setting is enabled, then on the Pass Validation screen, the Guest count area is displayed.

This setting is displayed only when the Track the number of persons setting is enabled.

Warning Capacity


Field to limit the total number of people in a facility.

When the number of customers in the facility is at or above the warning capacity, a warning message is displayed on the Pass Validation screen.

This setting is displayed only when the Track the number of persons setting is enabled.

Set Maximum Capacity


Field to enter the maximum number of people allowed in the facility. Once this field is configured, at the top-right corner of the Pass Validation page, a Persons field displays the number of admitted customers in the facility and this maximum capacity.

This setting is displayed only for a Check in & out Entry type entry point.

Allow guest check-in


Option to allow guest check-in.

If this setting is enabled, then on the Pass Validation screen, the Guest count area is displayed.

This setting is displayed only when the Set Maximum Capacity setting is enabled.

Allow re-enty?


Option to allow re-entry to an entry point.

Within ___ Hour(s)


Option to designate the amount of time to allow the re-entry to the entry point.

Auto Check out Members at ___ on ___ Daily

Time/Dropdown List

Option to automatically check out all members who are still checked in at a specific time of day.


Use the dropdown list to select an entry point to use when automatically checking out members.

Display Fields

Show Notes


Option to show the customer's notes (from the customer's record) on the staff screen when the pass is scanned at the entry point.

Medical Notes


Option to show the customer's medical notes (from the customer's record) on the staff screen when the pass is scanned at the entry point.

General Alert Notes


Option to show the customer's general alert notes (from the customer's record) on the staff screen when the pass is scanned at the entry point.

Validation Types

Memberships Only

Radio button

ACTIVE Net searches for a valid membership pass number.

Memberships First and then Alternate Keys

Radio button

ACTIVE Net first searches for a membership pass number that is valid at this entry point and will use it if one is found.


If a valid membership pass number is not found, ACTIVE Net searches for an alternate key that is valid at this entry point and uses it if one is found.

Alternate Keys First and then Memberships

Radio button

ACTIVE Net first searches for an alternate key that is valid at this entry point and uses it if one is found.


If a valid alternate key is not found, ACTIVE Net then searches for a valid membership pass number and uses it if one is found.

Scan/Gate Fields

Gatekicker Type

Dropdown list

Select the type of gatekicker at this entry point.

Server Name


Name of the server where the entry point application is running.

IP Address


IP address configured for the serial to IP converter.

Scanner Port


For serial gatekickers, enter the comm port (from 1-99) for the scanner.


For other gatekickers, enter the port number assigned to the scanner in the serial to IP converter.

Gate Port


For serial gatekickers, enter the comm port (from 1-99) for the gatekicker.


Port number assigned to the gatekicker in the serial to IP converter.

Door Open String


String that needs to be sent to the gate kicker to open the gate.

Card Reader #

Dropdown list

Select the combination that corresponds to the card reader that you want to use at the gate.


Note: This option is only visible if you have selected Team Axxess Gatekicker as your Gatekicker Type above.

Success Text


 Enter up to 16 characters of text that you want to display in the case of a successful validation.


Note: This option is only visible if you have selected Team Axxess Gatekicker as your Gatekicker Type above.

Success Light Code


Defaults to 10.


Note: This option is only visible if you have selected Team Axxess Gatekicker as your Gatekicker Type above.

Error Text


Enter up to 16 characters of text that you want to display in the case of an unsuccessful validation.


Note: This option is only visible if you have selected Team Axxess Gatekicker as your Gatekicker Type above.

Error Light Code


Defaults to 15.


Note: This option is only visible if you have selected Team Axxess Gatekicker as your Gatekicker Type above.

Time to Display

Dropdown list

Specify the length of time that you want the lights to flash and messages to display before resetting.


Note: This option is only visible if you have selected Team Axxess Gatekicker as your Gatekicker Type above.

Print Receipt with each Scan?


If there is a receipt printer connected to the workstation, then when customers scan their pass, a receipt is automatically printed (displaying membership privileges and expiration date).


Note: You can also configure this option at the membership package level.

Print Check-in Label with each Scan


If there is a label printer connected to the workstation, then when customers scan their pass, check-in labels are automatically printed (displaying the customer name and authorized pickups).



The DYMO LabelWriter 450 is the only supported label printer. For more information about the DYMO LabelWriter 450, please contact your Account Manager.

Connect the label printer to the workstation where the entry point is connecting and install the printer drivers. For label printer installation instructions, click here.

Gated entry point? Checkbox Select this option if your organization uses a gatekicker to open this entry point.
Entry Point Server IP Address Text Enter the IP address of your entry point server.
This field is required if you are using a Team Axxess or an EP310 gatekicker.
This option is only available if you have selected Gated entry point? above.

Entry Point Server Port


Enter the port number that your entry point server uses.


This field is required if you are using a Team Axxess or an EP310 gatekicker.


This option is only available if you have selected Gated entry point? above.

Hours of Operation (overriding facility's hours)

Available 24 hours?


Option to skip entering open and close entry point times because the entry point is open 24 hours.



The time of day that the entry point is available on this day of the week.


If both the open and closing times are blank, the entry point follows the operating hours of the center where the entry point is located.


If the default entry point time is filled in, this is the opening time for all the days if they are left blank.


The default open time can be overridden by entering another time for a particular day.


Note: Entry points may also have split hours of operation. For days with split hours of operation, the operating hours may not overlap. For example: Mon from 8:00am - 12:00am and 11:00am - 5:00pm. If the staff attempts to save a day with overlapping hours of operation, they are presented with an error message.



The time of day that the entry point closes on this day of the week.

Closed All Day?


Option to close the entry point for the entire day.