Facility rental blocks

Facility rental blocks restrict facility bookings to entire blocks of time. Customers must book the entirety of a rental block, even if they plan to use only a portion of the time.


For example: There is a facility which is open 24 hours every day. The rental block is configured as 9-12am. This means that the facility can be booked any time, but you can only book the entire 3 hours from 9-12am.


To override a rental block when creating a reservation, under the Administration > System Settings > System User Profiles > Change Profile section, grant the ‘Front Desk: Reserve - Override Rental Block’ permission to the required staff user profiles.


    1. Select the following menu links: Administration > Facility Settings > Facilities.

    2. Select the desired facility.

    3. Select the Change Facility Rental Blocks link.

Adding and Modifying

To add

From the Facility Rental Block List page, clicking the Add New button will bring you to the Change Facility Rental Block page, allowing you to create a new facility rental block record.


To modify

From the Facility Rental Block List page, clicking an underlined Description link displays the Change Facility Rental Block page, allowing you to make any necessary changes.


On the Change Facility Rental Block page, you will find the following input fields, with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description


Description Text

The name or description of the facility hour block.


Starting Time Time The start time when the facility can be booked, entered in HH:MM AM/PM format.
  • For standard rental blocks within a single day, the Starting Time must be earlier than the Ending Time.
  • For overnight rental blocks (which extend thru midnight across two consecutive days), select the Overnight checkbox and then enter an Ending Time which is earlier than the Starting Time.
Ending Time Time The end time when the facility can be booked, entered in HH:MM AM/PM format.
  • For standard rental blocks within a single day, the Starting Time must be earlier than the Ending Time.
  • For overnight rental blocks (which extend thru midnight across two consecutive days), select the Overnight checkbox and then enter an Ending Time which is earlier than the Starting Time.
Overnight Checkbox If the rental block is overnight (extends thru midnight across two consecutive days), then select this checkbox and enter an Ending Time which is earlier than the Starting Time.