System user profiles

ACTIVE Netprovides access security using profiles. Profiles are system access rights and characteristics that can be applied to selected users. Users are assigned profiles and they inherit the capabilities and restrictions given to that profile. Profiles allow the system manager to define user groups that are permitted certain rights in the system.


A new ACTIVE Net system will contain two default profiles including:

Go to section



Report Options

ACTIVE Net Answers Access

List of Security Options


Administration > System Settings > System User Profiles

Adding and Modifying Profiles

To add

From the Profile List page, clicking Add New brings you to the Change Profile Detail page, allowing you to create a new record.


To modify

From the Profile List page, clicking an underlined profile Name displays the Change Profile Detail page, allowing you to make any necessary changes.


On the Change Profile Detail page, you will find the following input fields with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description


Name Text

The name of the profile as will be selected when attaching a profile to a system user.


Commission Scheme Dropdown list Select a commission scheme from the dropdown list and the system users of this profile will be assigned the selected commission scheme.
Description Text Further description of the profile.
Assigned by System Admin Only? Checkbox Option to specify that only system users who are system admins will be able to assign this profile to other system users.


Note: Wherever possible, profiles follow this format: Menu: Module – Permission. For example, Administration: Facility – Locker Rooms.

Read Only Access Listbox Options where the user will have read-only access to the functions selected.


To add read-only access to a function to this profile, highlight the option in the Available listbox, then click the left arrow button.


To remove an option from this profile, highlight the option in the Read Only listbox, then click the right arrow button to return the option to the Available listbox.

Available Listbox List of all unassigned options that can be assigned to this profile. 
Users will not be able to perform (even in read-only mode) any options that remain in this listbox.


To assign an option to the profile, highlight the option in the Available listbox, then click the left arrow button to read-only access or the right arrow button to assign full access.

Full Access Listbox Options where the user will have full access to perform the functions selected.


To add full access to a function to this profile, highlight the option in the Available listbox, then click the right arrow button.


To remove an option from this profile, highlight the option in the Read Only listbox, then click the left arrow button to return the option to the Available listbox.

Report Options

Note: Report profiles follow the format Menu: Report. For example, Daycare: Enrollee List Report. If you have an assigned report profile, you are able to run that report.

Available Listbox List of all unassigned report options that can be assigned to this profile. 
Users will not be able to run any report option that remain in this listbox.


To assign a report option to the profile, highlight the option in the Available listbox, then click the right arrow button.


Note: Some options are for groups of reports, which include all reports in a particular module (for example: registration reports, financial reports, etc).

Selected Listbox Report options where the user will have access to run the reports selected.


To add access to a report to this profile, highlight the option in the Available listbox, then click the right arrow button.


To remove a report option from this profile, highlight the option in the Selected listbox, then click the left arrow button to return the option to the Available listbox.

Unique Report Options

The following are report options that do not follow the Menu: Report format.

Set Report Definition as Default for All System Users Set default report definitions for other users.

ACTIVE Net Answers Access

Contact Role Listbox

‘No Access’: users do not have access to ACTIVE Net Answers (default value).

‘Read Only’: users can:

  • Log in to ACTIVE Net Answers
  • View Knowledge Base articles

‘Submit’: users can:

  • Log in to ACTIVE Net Answers
  • View Knowledge Base articles
  • Submit cases
  • View all cases that they have submitted

‘Super User’, users can:

  • Log in to ACTIVE Net Answers
  • View Knowledge Base articles
  • Submit cases
  • View all cases in their organization

List of Security Options

The following are security options you can assign to a profile.

Security Option


Administration: Campaign - Campaign (Multi-Site)

Add or modify fundraising campaigns for any site at Administration > Campaign Settings > Campaigns.

Administration: Campaign - Manage Campaign Manager

Create and edit campaign managers.

(Administration > Campaign Settings > Campaigns > Change Campaign Managers).

Administration: Campaign - Manage Campaigner

Create and edit campaigners. (Administration > Campaign Settings > Campaigns > Manage Campaigners).

Administration: Campaign - Manage Dashboards

Manage campaign dashboards. (Administration > Campaign Settings > Dashboards).

Administration: Campaign - Manage Division

Edit divisions that are assigned to oneself. (Administration > Campaign Settings > Campaigns > Manage Divisions).

Administration: Campaign - Manage Division(All Divisions)

Create and manage divisions within a donation campaign.


Edit both divisions that are assigned to oneself and divisions that are assigned to someone else. (Administration > Campaign Settings > Campaigns > Manage Divisions).

Administration: Campaign - Manage Prospects

Create and edit prospects of a donation campaign. (Administration > Campaign Settings > Campaigns > Manage Prospects).

Administration: Campaign - Manage Team

Edit teams that are assigned to oneself. (Administration > Campaign Settings > Campaigns > Manage Teams).

Administration: Campaign - Manage Team(All Teams)

Create and manage teams within a donation campaign.


Edit both teams that are assigned to oneself and teams that are assigned to someone else. (Administration > Campaign Settings > Campaigns > Manage Teams).

Administration: Campaign - New Campaign Creation

Create a new donation campaign and set its overall goal. (Administration > Campaign Settings > Campaigns).

Administration: Campaign/Membership/

Registration - Campaigns

Campaigns are used to group together donations solicited during registration.


Add or modify campaigns (Administration > Campaign Settings > Campaigns).

Administration: Center-Create and Manage Maps

Create and modify interactive facility maps for centers.

Administration: Daycare - Copy Programs

Users with this permission can open the Administration > Flexreg Settings > Programs – copy page and batch select and copy Flexreg programs (and any associated sessions) to another season.

Administration: Daycare - Create/Modify 'open/closed' Programs

Users with this permission can create FlexReg programs in any status and freely change the status of programs.

Users without this permission can only create programs in the tentative or on hold status, and cannot change an activity’s status to open or closed.

Administration: Daycare - Display Programs on Internet

Users with this permission can change the Hide On Internet setting for a FlexReg program. For users without this permission, the Hide On Internet setting is read-only.

Administration: Daycare - Program Types

Daycare program types divide or classify daycare programs to simplify the registration process.


Add or modify daycare program types (Administration > Daycare Settings > Program types).

Administration: Daycare - Update Programs

Users with this permission can batch update program statuses and enrollment date ranges in Administration > Daycare Settings > Programs – Update

Administration: Daycare/Facility/Registration/System - Organization Departments

Organization departments are used to classify and group activities by departments.


Add or modify departments (Administration > System Settings > Departments).

Administration: Daycare/Financial - Programs

Daycare programs are a combination of sessions for which customers can register.


Add or modify daycare programs (Administration > Daycare Settings > Programs).

Administration: Daycare/Membership/Registration - Charges

Charges are the templates used when adding fees, discounts or scholarships to  activities, membership packages, daycare programs or the facility charge matrix.


Add or modify charges (Administration > Financial Settings > Charges).

Administration: Daycare/Regsitration - Risk Category

Risk categories are internal activity and flexreg program categories that are not visible to online customers on the public site. You can use them to group your activities and flexreg programs according to their level of risk.


Add or modify risk categories (Administration > Registration Settings/Flexreg Settings > Risk Category).

Administration: Equipment - Equipment Accessories

Equipment accessories are facility and equipment features that may be required by a customer when booking a facility.


Add or modify equipment accessories (Administration > Equipment Settings > Equipment accessories).

Administration: Equipment - Equipment Categories

Equipment categories are attached to facilities and are used during the reservation process to assist with the search for a facility or equipment.


Add or modify equipment categories (Administration > Equipment Settings > Equipment categories).

Administration: Equipment - Equipment Lending Layout

The Equipment Lending Layout page is where the equipment lending screen layouts are maintained.


Add or modify equipment lending layouts (Administration > Equipment Settings > Layouts).

Administration: Equipment - Equipment Packages

Add or modify equipment packages (Administration > Equipment Settings > Equipment packages).

Administration: Equipment - Equipment Types

Equipment types are attached to facilities and are used during the reservation process to assist with the search for a facility or equipment.


Add or modify equipment types (Administration > Equipment Settings > Equipment types).

Administration: Equipment/Facility - Disclaimers

Disclaimers are used for facility and equipment reservations.


This information can be printed on customer permits.


Add or modify disclaimers (Administration > Facility Settings > Disclaimers).

Administration: Equipment/Facility - Equipment

Facilities and equipment are the spaces or agency resources that can be booked or reserved.


Add or modify equipment (Administration > Equipment Settings > Equipment).

Administration: Equipment/Facility - Equipment Charge Matrix

Standard charges take a default charge and assign it to a facility (or facility type, center or site) to define how it is retrieved from the Charge Matrix when a permit is created.


Add or modify equipment charges matrix (Administration > Equipment Settings > Equipment Charge Matrix).

Administration: Equipment/Facility - Event Types

Event types are the kinds of events that occur at your facilities.


They are attached to permits and are used for reporting purposes.


Add or modify event types (Administration > Facility Settings > Event types).

Administration: Equipment/Facility - Payment Plans

Access Administration > Facility/Equipment Settings > Payment Plans.

Administration: Equipment/Facility - Reservation Groups

A facility or equipment group is a collection of facilities or equipment with predefined options selected so that they can be reserved quickly using the Quick Reserve feature without prompting the customer.


Add or modify facility/equipment groups (Administration > Facility Settings > Facility groups).

Administration: Equipment/Facility - Schedule Types

Add, modify or delete schedule types, (groups of settings for rentals which you attach to permits).

Administration: Equipment/Facility - Stage Sequences

A stage sequence is a series of steps that have to be approved prior to approving a reservation.


Add or modify stage sequences (Administration > Facility Settings > Stage Sequences).

Administration: Equipment/Facility/System - Stages

Stages represent the individual approval points for a reservation.


Each stage has a particular user assigned to approve the request prior to moving forward towards an approval with the reservation.


Add or modify stages (Administration > Facility Settings > Stages).

Administration: Facility - Amenities

Amenities are facility and equipment features that may be required by a customer when booking a facility.


Add or modify amenities (Administration > Facility Settings > Amenities).

Administration: Facility - Combination Locks

Maintain combination locks (Administration > Facility Settings > Combination Locks).

Administration: Facility - Facility Availability Search

Search to find facilities available to reserve for a consumer.

(Front Desk > Facility Management – NEW > Facility Availability Search).

Administration: Facility - Facility Categories

Facility categories are attached to facilities and are used during the reservation process to assist with the search for a facility or equipment. (Administration > Facility Settings > Facility categories).

Administration: Facility - Facility Overlaps

Facility overlaps allow you to create facilities that overlap so that each can be reserved independently or together.


Add or modify facility overlaps (Administration > Facility Settings > Facility Overlaps).

Administration: Facility - Facility Packages

Add or modify facility packages. (Administration > Facility Settings > Facility Packages).

Administration: Facility - Facility Types

Facility and equipment types are attached to facilities and are used during the reservation process to assist with the search for a facility or equipment.


Add or modify facility types (Administration > Facility Settings > Facility types).

Administration: Facility - Locker rooms

Lockers are rentable storage facilities within a locker room.


Add or modify locker rooms (Administration > Facility Settings > Locker rooms).

Administration: Facility - Prep Codes

Prep codes are attached to permits and used to determine the time before and after a booking that should be blocked off for setup or cleanup.


Add, modify or delete prep codes, which specify setup and cleanup time.

Administration: Facility - Stage Approvals / Approve Permits

Approve stages assigned to your user code.

Administration: Facility/Financial - Facility Charge Matrix

Standard charges take a default charge and assign it to a facility (or facility type, center or site) to define how it is retrieved from the Charge Matrix when a permit is created.

Add or modify the facility charge matrix (Administration > Facility Settings > Facility Charge Matrix).

Administration: Facility/Location - Facilities

Facilities and equipment are the spaces or agency resources that can be booked or reserved.


Add or modify facilities at your assigned site (Administration > Facility Settings > Facilities).

Administration: Facility/Location - Facilities (Multi-Site)

Facilities and equipment are the spaces or agency resources that can be booked or reserved.


Add or modify facilities at any site (Administration > Facility Settings > Facilities).

Administration: Facility/Population - Lockers

Lockers are rentable storage facilities within a locker room.


Add or modify lockers (Administration > Facility Settings > Locker roomsLockers within locker rooms).

Administration: Financial - Budgeted Profit Loss For Activity

Add or modify the budgeted profit loss for an activity.

Administration: Financial - Card Types

Ability to modify card types.


Note: This option is only relevant for the 'Recware' user as no other users have access to this option.

Administration: Financial - Cash Summary Sheet Layout

Add or modify cash summary sheet layouts.

(Administration > Financial Settings > Cash Summary Sheet Layout).


Normally only system administrators should have this system user profile option.

Administration: Financial - Commission Schemes

Authority to configure or edit commission schemes.

(Administration > Financial Settings > Commission Schemes).

Administration: Financial - Coupon Categories

Coupon categories are used to classify coupons for reporting purposes.


Add or modify coupon categories (Administration > Financial Settings > Coupon Categories).

Administration: Financial - Denomination

Add or modify denominations for use in cash summary sheet layouts.

(Administration > Financial Settings > Denominations).


Normally only system administrators should have this system user profile option.

Administration: Financial - Export Templates

Export templates are used to create the export of ACTIVE Net's financial and transaction data to your agency's main system.


Add or modify export templates (Administration > Financial Settings > Export templates).

Administration: Financial - Financial Export

A financial export is the export of ACTIVE Net's financial and transaction data to your agency's main system.


Access the Financial Export (Reports > Financial Reports > Financial Export).

Administration: Financial - Financial (Multi-Site)

Perform financial functions at other sites.

Administration: Financial - Financial Departments

Financial departments are used to classify and group financial accounts by departments.


Add or modify financial departments (Administration > Financial Settings > Financial Departments).

Administration: Financial - Generate Deferred Revenue Projections

Authority to display the Generate Deferred Revenue Table menu.

Administration: Financial - Gift Card Types

Add or modify gift card types at Administration > Financial Settings > Gift Card Types.

Administration: Financial - GL Accounts

GL accounts are the general ledger accounts that are used to record the system's financial transactions.


Add or modify GL accounts (Administration > Financial Settings > GL accounts).

Administration: Financial - Global Discounts

Add or modify global discounts (Administration > Financial Settings > Global Discounts).

Administration: Financial - Global Surcharges

Add or modify global surcharges (Administration > Financial Settings > Global Surcharges).

Administration: Financial - Payment Types

Access the Change Payment Type page at Administration > Financial Settings > Payment Types.

Administration: Financial - Refund Charges

Refund charges are administrative fees that are paid by the customer when refunding a transaction.


Add or modify refund charges (Administration > Financial Settings > Refund charges).

Administration: Financial - System Account Packages

Add or modify a system GL account package at Administration > Financial Settings > System Account Packages.

Administration: Financial - Tax Receipt

Tax receipts are used to configure a site-wide tax receipt record.


Included is the ability to define age ranges and transaction eligibility for tax receipts.


Add or modify tax receipt. (Administration > Financial Settings > Tax Receipt).

Administration: Financial - Tax Tables

Add or modify a tax table at Administration > Financial Settings > Tax Tables.

Administration: Financial - Usage Fees

Add, modify and delete fees that are required before a customer can register for activities.

Administration: Financial/Membership - Packages

Membership packages are what you sell to your customers.


Each package set up in the system will contain a unique combination of category, site, entry point, and fees as well as usage, age and member restrictions.


Add or modify packages (Administration > Membership Settings > Packages).

Administration: Financial/Population/Registration/Daycare

/Membership - Coupons

Coupons are promotional tools used to provide discounts to registration or merchandise fees, daycare programs or for marketing campaigns.


Add or modify coupons (Administration > Financial Settings > Coupons).

Administration: Financial/POS - Products

POS products are the items that customers purchase through the POS (Point Of Sale) area of the admininstration site.


They may also be attached to activities and sold as activity merchandise during registration.


Add or modify POS products (Administration > POS Settings > Products).

Administration: Layouts (POS / Equipment Lending)

The POS Layout page is where the point of sale screen layouts are maintained.

Add or modify POS layouts (Administration > POS Settings > Layouts).

Administration: League - League (Multi-Site)

Perform league functions at other sites.

Administration: League - League Schedules

League schedules are regular seasons for different leagues to play against one another.


Add or modify league schedules (Administration > League Settings > Leagues and Manage Schedules within leagues).

Administration: League - League Types

League types are used to classify and group leagues and tournaments mainly for reporting purposes.


Add or modify league types (Administration > League Settings > League types).

Administration: League - Leagues

A league or tournament is a collection of teams that are scheduled to play against one another.


Add or modify leagues (Administration > League Settings > Leagues).

Administration: League - Officials

Leagues can be configured to either have individuals or teams officiating.


Add or modify officials (Administration > League Settings > Officials).

Administration: League - Ranking Systems

Add or modify a ranking system at Administration > League Settings > Ranking Systems.

Administration: League/Population/Registration Contact Types

Add or modify contact types (Administration > Registration Settings > Contact types).

Administration: Location - Batch reset customer residency

Access the Batch Reset Customer Residency page and execute the Batch Reset Customer Residency process.

Administration: Location - Centers

Centers are the physical address of your facilities.


Add or modify centers (Administration > Locations > Centers).

Administration: Location - Cities

Add or modify cities (Administration > Locations > Cities).

Administration: Location - Configuration (Multi-Site)

Modify setup information for all sites within an organization.


Without this profile, you can only modify setup information for sites you are assigned to.

Administration: Location - Geographic Areas

Geographic areas are used to determine residency for customers and companies.


Add or modify geographic areas (Administration > Financial > Geographic areas).

Administration: Location - Load Street Database

Load Street Database is a utility to import your streets with the city, postal code, area and residency from a CSV file. (Administration > Locations > Load street database).

Administration: Location - Postal Codes

Postal codes are the same as zip codes and are used to help you and the postal service to ensure proper mail delivery.


Add or modify postal codes (Administration > Locations > Postal codes).

Administration: Location - Show Site-Specific Public URL

View the public hyperlink for a specific site on the Change Site Detail page at Administration > Locations > Sites.

Administration: Location - Sites

A site is the administrative controlling body that controls the financial information for all components of ACTIVE Net.


Add or modify sites (Administration > Locations > Sites).

Administration: Location - States

The State list contains a list of the states or provinces of countries that are used by the agency.


Add or modify states (Administration > Locations > States).

Administration: Location - Streets

Street addresses can be tied to residency requirements through postal/zip code or geographic area.


Add or modify streets (Administration > Locations > Streets).

Administration: Manage Linked Credit

Authority to access the Manage Linked Credit functionality from customer account functions and company account functions pages.


Front Desk > Population > Customers > Customer Account Functions > Financial Information > Manage Linked Credit


Administration > Population Settings > Customers > Customer Account Functions > Financial Information > Manage Linked Credit


Administration > Population Settings > Companies > Company > Function > Manage Linked Credit

Administration: Membership - Entry points

Entry points are the physical locations where membership passes can be scanned.


Add or modify entry points (Administration > Membership Settings > Entry points).

Administration: Membership - Extend For Suspended Time

Authority to extend the expiration date of membership packages that have been suspended with the same number of days as the suspension period.


For example: if a package was suspended for 5 days, its expiration date can be extended by 5 days to compensate for the suspension period.

Administration: Memberships - Override Payment Plan Initial Payment

Override the required initial payment when setting up a payment plan during a membership sale.

Administration: Membership - Membership (Multi-Site)

Membership packages are what you sell to your customers.


Each package set up in the system will contain a unique combination of category, site, entry point, and fees as well as usage, age and member restrictions.


Modify, search for or sell a membership from another site.

Administration: Membership - Package categories

Package categories define who the membership package is intended for.


Add or modify package categories (Administration > Membership Settings > Package categories).

Administration: Membership - Pass Layouts

The pass layout feature is where membership cards are designed.


Pass layouts are used when printing a card during the pass production process.


Add or modify pass layouts (Administration > Membership Settings > Pass layouts).

Administration: Menu

Authority to display the Administration menu.

Administration: Population - Adjust Customer Balance

Ability to adjust balance (Administration > Population Settings > Customers > Customer Account Functions > Adjust Balance)


(Front Desk > Population > Customers > Customer Account Functions).

Administration: Population - Alternate Key Statuses

Alternate key statuses are the groups that define the levels of access within alternate key types.


Add or modify alternate key statuses (Administration > Population Settings > Alternate key statuses).

Administration: Population - Alternate Key Types

Alternate key types are the unique identifiers for customers in a third-party system.


Add or modify alternate key types (Administration > Population Settings > Alternate key types).

Administration: Population - Birth Date Alternatives

Add or modify a birth date alternative age category (such as Child 0-12 or Teen 13-19) at Administration > Population Settings > Birth Date Alternatives.

Administration: Population - Consolidate Customers (New Account Creation)

Access customer consolidation functionality if ACTIVE Net finds potential duplicate customers when you are creating a new customer account.

Administration: Population - Consolidate Customers (Process)

Access the customer consolidation page from Administration > Population Settings > Customers - Consolidate or from Front Desk > Population menu > Customers - Consolidate.

Administration: Population - Contracts

Contracts are special agreements with companies or organizations that enable those companies or organizations to sponsor participants for selected activities.


Add or modify contracts (Administration or Front Desk > Population Settings or Population > Companies > Manage Contracts).

Administration: Population - Customer Alternate Keys

Alternate key types are the unique identifiers for customers in a third-party system.


Add or modify customer alternate keys (Administration or Front Desk > Population Settings or Population > Customer Account Functions > Change Alternate Keys).

Administration: Population - Customer Skills

Skills include abilities, talents, competencies, proficiencies, or credentials that customers may have, which may be relevant to activities they partcipate in.


Add or modify customer skills (Administration or Front Desk > Population > Customer > Customer Account Functions > Change Skills).

Administration: Population - Customer Skills

Add or modify skills (Administration > Population Settings > Customer Skills).

Administration: Population - Customer Titles

Add and modify titles and middle names in customer records.

Administration: Population - Customer Third Party Billing

Add and modify third party billing records for customers at Administration or Front Desk > Population Settings > Customers > Change Third Party Billing.

Administration: Population - Customer Types

Customer types are the primary method of dividing the customer base for facility charges.


Add or modify customer types (Administration > Population Settings > Customer types).

Administration: Population - Denial reasons

Denial reasons are the reasons given when an account created online is denied.


Add or modify denial reasons (Administration > Population Settings > Denial reasons).

Administration: Population - Family Roles

Add or modify family roles (Administration > Population Settings > Change Family Role).

Administration: Population - Generate Customer Login

Generate logins and passwords for customers in a batch at Administration > Population Settings > Customers - Generate Login.

Administration: Population - Grades

Add or modify a school grade at Administration > Population Settings > Grades.

Administration: Population - Layout Configuration (Multi-Site)

View and modify enhanced customer view layouts for all sites in your organization.

Administration: Population - Load Company File

Load external company files (Administration > Population Settings > Load company file).

Administration: Population - Load Customer File

Load Customer or Company Files is a utility you can use to import your existing customer or company records from a CSV file.


Load external customer files (Administration > Population Settings > Load customer file).

Administration: Population - Occupations

Add or modify customer occupations (Administration > Population Settings > Occupations).

Administration: Population - Security Questions

Add or modify a password security question at Administration > Population Settings > Security Questions.

Administration: Population - Suspend Customers

Suspend Customers includes the ability to specify a date range and reason for the suspension.


Authority to suspend customers (Administration > Population Settings > Customer > Customer Account Functions > Suspend Transactions).

Administration: Population - Widget Layout Builder

View and edit layouts for the enhanced customer view at Administration > Population Settings > Configuration > Enhanced Customer Application Settings section > Layout.

Administration: Population/Communication: List Builder - Demographics

Demographics are attributes that are assigned to customers.


The demographics can be selected to narrow down the customers included when running either Population or Registration reports.


Add or modify demographics (Administration > Population Settings > Demographics).

Administration: POS - Inventory Adjustment

Adjustments can be made to products whose inventory quantities are being tracked.


Perform inventory adjustments to POS product quantities (Administration > POS Settings).

Administration: POS – Inventory Transfer

Authority to perform inventory transfer among centers.

Administration: POS - POS (Multi-Site)

Perform POS functions in other sites.

Administration: POS - POS Control Codes

POS control codes are the settings that determine which POS printer and cash drawer will be compatible with the POS application.


Add or modify POS control codes (Administration > POS Settings > POS control codes).

Administration: POS – POS Membership Discounts

Add or modify POS membership discounts.

(Administration > POS Settings > POS Membership Discounts).

Administration: POS - POS sales

Sell items using the POS system.

Administration: POS - Product Classes

The product classes are the middle level of 3 groupings for POS products.


Add or modify POS product classes (Administration > POS Settings > Product classes).

Administration: POS - Product Departments

The product departments are the highest level of 3 groupings for POS products.


Add or modify POS product department (Administration > POS Settings > Product departments).

Administration: POS - Product Orders

Product orders are the POS items that have been delivered to the agency by vendors.


Add or modify POS product orders (Administration > POS Settings > Product departments).

Administration: POS - Product Subclasses

The product subclasses are the lowest level of 3 groupings for POS products.


Add or modify POS product subclasses (Administration > POS Settings > Product subclasses).

Administration: Registration - Activities

Activities are the classes or sessions (dates, times and locations) that are offered by the site for customer registration.


Add or modify activity details (Administration > Registration Settings > Activities and Change Activity Details link within activities).

Administration: Registration - Activity Attendance

Attendance tracking allows you to monitor the participation of registrants in activities and teams (if any).


Record or modify activity attendance (Administration > Registration Settings > Attendance).

Administration: Registration - Activity Bibs

Add or modify activity bib groups, bib number ranges, bib rules, and batch bib number assignment (Administration > Registration Settings > Activity Functions).

Administration: Registration - Attendance Codes

Add or modify an attendance code at Administration > Registration Settings > Attendance Codes.

Administration: Registration - Award Codes

An award code represents a single qualifying criterion for an award.


Add or modify award codes.

Administration: Registration - Batch Copy Instructor Availability

Batch copy instructor availability at Administration > Registration Settings > Instructor - Batch Copy Availability

Administration: Registration - Batch Modify Meeting Dates

Modify activity meeting dates using the Activities - Modify Dates window (Administration > Registration Settings > Activities - Modify Dates).

Administration: Registration - Copy Activities

Copy existing activities to another season or term at Administration > Registration Settings > Activities - Copy.

Administration: Registration - Create Activity Pass/Fail Grades

The grades in the database can be assigned to activities when setting minimum and maximum grade restrictions for enrollment.


Add or modify grades (Administration > Registration Settings > Grades).

Administration: Registration - Create/Modify 'open/closed/cancelled’ Activities

Users with this permission can create activities in any status and freely change the status of activities.

Users without this permission can only create activities in the tentative or on hold status, and cannot change an activity’s status to open, closed or cancelled.

Administration: Registration - Display Activities on Internet

Users with this permission can change the Hide On Internet setting for an activity. For users without this permission, the Hide On Internet setting is read-only.

Administration: Registration - Instructor Charge Matrix

Standard charges take a default charge and assigns it to a facility (or facility type, center or site) to define how it is retrieved from the Charge Matrix when a permit is created.


Add or modify the instructor charge matrix (Administration > Registration Settings > Instructor charge matrix).

Administration: Registration - Instructor Roles

  • Add or modify instructor roles (Administration > Registration Settings > Instructor roles).

  • Access instructor payroll information and instructor role pay rates controls.

Administration: Registration - Instructor Timesheet (Multi-Site)

Add or modify instructor timesheets for multiple sites.

Administration: Registration - Instructor Timesheet Entry Reasons

Add or modify instructor timesheet entry reasons.

Administration: Registration - Instructor Timesheets

Add or modify instructor timesheets (Administration > Registration Settings > Instructor Timesheets).

Administration: Registration - Instructor Timesheets (Multi-Department)

Add or modify instructor timesheets in multiple organization departments, as assigned on the System Users page.

Administration: Registration - Instructors

Instructors are persons who teach the activities.


Add or modify instructors (Administration > Registration Settings > Instructors).

Administration: Registration - Make up Lesson Dates

Create make up lesson dates.


Administration > Registration Settings > Make up Lesson Dates.

Administration: Registration - Manual Bib Assignment

Manually assign bib numbers (Customer > List Transactions link > Enroll link > Manually Assign Bib Number).

Administration: Registration - Mark Activities

Enter pass or fail marks for participants of activities (Administration > Registration Settings > Enter activity pass/fail).

Administration: Registration - Modify Past Meeting Dates

Modify past meeting dates for activities (Administration > Registration Settings > Activities > Change Dates).

Administration: Registration - Monitor Enrollment

Add or modify activity enrollment (Administration > Registration Settings > Monitor Enrollment).

Administration: Registration - Override Make up Lesson Dates

The privilege of overriding pre-defined make up lesson dates at the activity level.


Administration > Registration Settings > Activity Function > Make up Lesson Dates.

Administration: Registration - Override Payment Plan Initial Payment

Override the required initial payment when setting up a payment plan during an enrollment.

Administration: Registration - Override Resource Open/Close Times

Authority to override facility or equipment open/close times.


Administration > Registration Settings > Activity > Change Details.

Administration: Registration - Registration Roll-Over Roll registrations over from one season to another at Administration > Registration Settings > Registration Roll-Over.

Administration: Registration - Retire Activities

Allow users to retire or batch-retire activities (set activities so customers can no longer register for them, but they exist in the system for reporting purposes).

Administration: Registration - Scheduled Pass/Fail Import

Authority to access Activities – Pass/Fail Import menu.

Administration: Daycare/ Registration – Seasons

Seasons define registration periods.


Add or modify registration seasons (Administration > Registration Settings > Seasons or

Administration Menu > Daycare Settings).

Administration: Registration - Set Required Fields:

Specify which fields must be completed when users create a new activity or modify an activity of a particular type.

Administration: Registration - Supervisors

Supervisors are persons who are responsible for a specific center or group of activities.


Add or modify supervisors (Administration > Registration Settings > Supervisors).

Administration: Registration - Teams

Team determines the team payment scenario and the gender restrictions of teams.


Old permission (not needed to create or modify teams for activities).

Administration: Registration - Timesheet Entry Type

The timesheet entry type lets you perform a manual instructor timesheet entry composed of multiple types of entries.


Add or modify different types of entries for manual instructor timesheet entries.

Administration: Registration - Undo Freeze Bib Numbers

Authority to unfreeze bib numbers (Administration > Registration Settings > Activities > Activity Functions > Manage Bib Groups).

Administration: Registration - Update Activities:

Update or batch-update activity details.

Administration: Registration: - Activity Categories

Activity categories are used to classify and group activities and daycare programs.


Add or modify activity categories (Administration > Registration Settings > Activity Categories).

Administration: Registration: - Activity Dates

Add or modify activity dates (Administration > Registration Settings > Activity Functions > Activity Dates).

Administration: Registration: - Activity Instructor Payroll

Add or modify instructor payroll information  or substitute instructor payroll information (Administration > Registration Settings > Activity Functions > Change Instructors).

Administration: Registration: - Activity Instructors

Add or modify activity instructor (Administration > Registration Settings > Activity Functions > Change Instructors).

Administration: Registration: - Activity Results

A CSV (Comma Separated Value) file that contains race activity results can be imported into ACTIVE Net from an external system for storage and reporting purposes.


Add or modify activity results (Administration > Registration Settings > Import Activity Results).

Administration: Registration: - Activity Types

Add or modify activity types (Administration > Registration > Activity types).

Administration: System

Access to various system wide settings (Administration > System Settings > Internet or General or Organization or Servlet or System Records or Waivers).

Administration: System - Customize Banner Tabs

Add or modify banner tabs (Administration > System Settings > Banner tabs).

Administration: System - Custom Question Groups

Create or modify the custom question groups to arrange the custom questions according to a particular context or task.

(Administration > System Settings > Custom Question Groups).

Administration: System - Custom Question Types

Create or modify the custom question types to arrange the custom questions according to the business background.

(Administration > System Settings > Custom Question Types)

Administration: System - Dashboard Allow Assignments

Edit dashboard assignments at Administration > System Settings > Dashboards.

Administration: System - Dashboards

Add or modify dashboards at Administration > System Settings > Dashboards.

Administration: System - Demographic Custom Question

Specify that a custom question is a Demographic Related Question at Administration > System Settings > Custom Questions > Question section > Demographic Related Question.


Use the Demographic Related Questions Only? option when running the Custom Question Answers report at Reports > General Reports > Custom Question Answers.


Search for custom question answers for Demographic Related Questions when creating a custom list at Communications > List Builder > Create Customer Lists > Custom Question Answer.

Administration: System - Extra Detail Masters

Extra details consist of URLs or links to additional information.


You can attach extra details at the center, activity, or facility level.


Add or modify extra details (Administration > System Settings > Extra detail masters).

Administration: System - File Upload

Upload files to ACTIVE Net at Administration > System Settings > File Upload.


View uploaded files that are associated with your own site or with All Sites.

Administration: System - File Upload (Multi site)

Upload files to ACTIVE Net at Administration > System Settings > File Upload.


Associate uploaded files with a specific site or with All Sites.


View uploaded files that are associated with any specific site or with All Sites.

Administration: System - List Configuration

List configuration allows you to customize the search results pages for activities and daycare programs.


Add or modify list configurations (Administration > System Settings > System Configuration).

Administration: System - Maintain Translations

Option to grant permission to a system user profile to open the Maintain Translation page, view translations, edit French or Spanish text on the page,

Administration: System - Messages

Messages are internal communication notes that can be sent to system users in the organization.


Add, modify, and send messages (Administration > System Settings > Messages).

Administration: System - Peak Load Periods

Access the Peak Volume Periods page at Administration > System Settings > Peak Volume Periods.

Administration: System - Profiles

ACTIVE Netprovides access security using profiles.


Profiles are system access rights and characteristics that can be applied to selected users.


Add or modify profiles (Administration > System Settings > Profiles).

Administration: System - Reasons

Reasons are the notes that are attached to sales or refunds.


Add or modify reasons (Administration > System Settings > Reasons).

Administration: System - Skills

Add or modify a skill at Administration > System Settings > Skills.

Administration: System - Skip Dates

Skip dates are holidays and other dates when facilities are closed.


Add or modify skip dates (Administration > System Settings > Skip Dates).

Administration: System - Startup Checklist

The startup checklist contains the configuration tasks required when setting up ACTIVE Net software in the recommended order of implementation.


Add or modify startup checklist (Administration > System Settings > Startup checklist).

Administration: System - System Users

System users are the agency staff who can log in to the admin site of ACTIVE Net.


Add or modify system users (Administration > System Settings > System Users).

Administration: System - Unlock System User

Authority to unlock a system user.

Administration: System - Use Form Definitions

A form definition is a template consisting of a customized set of fields and sort order you can use when you import activity results from an external system.


This profile allows you to create form definitions and access saved form definitions.

Administration: System - Workstations

Workstations identify the logical or physical location where transactions occur in ACTIVE Net and are used for auditing and reporting purposes.


Add or modify workstations (Administration > System Settings > Workstations).


Normally only system administrators should have this system user profile option.

Administration: System - Workstations Groups

Workstation groups are available as extra sorting criteria for workstations.


Add or modify workstation groups (Administration > System Settings > Workstation groups).

Administration: System/Communication: List Builder - Custom Questions

Custom questions are used during the creation of a receipt.


They provide additional information about customers for a particular transaction.


Add or modify custom questions (Administration > System Settings > Custom questions).

Administration: Web Admin

Access to various system wide web administration settings (Administration > System Settings > Online or Administration > Web Admin > Customize UI, FAQ, Modify online intro, Reload files, Reload HTML, Show ini, Show log, or Statistics).

Administration: Web Admin - Copy DB to Trainer

Copy the agency's live site database to their trainer database.

Administration: Web Admin - Customize Trainer UI

Authority to display the Customize Trainer UI menu.

Administration: Web Admin - Download DB Backup

Download database backup (Administration > Web Admin > Download DB Backup).

Administration: Web Admin - Online Calendars

Access the Online Calendars page (Administration > Web Admin > Online Calendars).


This option provides access to only the calendars that are associated with the user's own site.

Administration: Web Admin - Online Calendars (Multi-Site)

Access the Online Calendars page (Administration > Web Admin > Online Calendars).


This option provides access to all calendars, no matter what site they are associated with.

Administration: Web Admin/Report: General - Activity File Export

Access the Activity File Export.


File export is a utility to export specific tables from your database as a CSV (comma separated values) file.


Export files (Administration > Web Admin > File Export).

Administration: Web Admin/Report: General - Attendance File Export

Access the Attendance File Export.


File export is a utility to export specific tables from your database as a CSV (comma separated values) file.


Export files (Administration > Web Admin > File Export).

Administration: Web Admin/Report: General - Customer File Export

Access the Customer File Export.


File export is a utility to export specific tables from your database as a CSV (comma separated values) file.


Export files (Administration > Web Admin > File Export).

Administration: Web Admin/Report: General - Facility Schedule File Export

Access the Facility Schedule File Export.


File export is a utility to export specific tables from your database as a CSV (comma separated values) file.


Export files (Administration > Web Admin > File Export).

Administration: Web Admin/Report: General - Instructor File Export

Access the Instructor Export.


File export is a utility to export specific tables from your database as a CSV (comma separated values) file.


Export files (Administration > Web Admin > File Export).

Administration: Web Admin/Report: General - Team File Export

Access the Team File Export.


File export is a utility to export specific tables from your database as a CSV (comma separated values) file.


Export files (Administration > Web Admin > File Export).

Captivate – portal

Permission for system users to sign into the ACTIVE Captivate Portal.

Communication: Catalog - Marketing (Multi-Site)

Perform other marketing functions at other sites.

Communication: Email/Form Letter - Marketing Email Addresses

Marketing email addresses are the internal agency email addresses that may be used as the "From" address when creating automated mass email messages to customers.


Add or modify marketing email 'from' addresses (Communications > Email > 'From' addresses).

Communication: List Builder - Interest Lists

Interest lists are used to group customers together by area of interest for email or letter notifications.


Interest lists are often used for marketing new offerings to your customer base.


Add or modify interest lists (Communications > List Builder > Interest lists).

Communication: List Builder - Subscription List

Subscription lists are used to send regular email or postal mail communications to customers who subscribe to the list.


Add or modify subscription lists (Communications > List Builder > Subscription list).

Communication: Menu

View the Communication menu.

Customer: Award amount exceeding scholarship opening balance

Authority to exceed the scholarship's opening balance.

Customer: Edit Locked Custom Question Answer

Custom questions are used during the creation of a receipt.


They provide additional information about customers for a particular transaction.


Add or modify custom questions answers (Administration > System Settings > Custom questions).

Customer: Edit Transfer Education Units


Edit the number of units transferred from the activity grading page.

Customer: Transfer of Customer Balance to Another Customer

Transfer an account balance from one customer to another at Administration > Population Settings > Customers > Transfer Balance.


Add or modify customer information on the Customers page at Administration > Population Settings > Customers
Front Desk > Population menu > Customers.

Customers (Multi-Site)

Add or modify the sites assigned to customers or instructors (Administration > Population Settings > Customers > Change Customer


Front Desk > Population > Customers > Customer


Administration > Registration Settings > Instructors > Change Instructor Change Detail).

Favorite: Profile Based Favorites

Allowing the users to manage the profile based favorites.

(Front Desk > Favorites > Manage Favorites;

Reports > Favorites > Manage Favorites;

Communication > Favorites > Manage Favorites;

Administration > Favorites > Manage Favorites).

Equipment Availability

Authority to check for equipment availability.

Front Desk/Administration/Reports: Population – Customer Medical Notes

Assign this profile to the user account that needs to view and edit customer medical notes.

Front Desk/Administration: Create/Modify Payment Plan

Assign this profile to the user account that needs to:

  • On the receipt payment page, create on-the-fly payment plans.
  • On the customer’s account balance page, modify existing payment plans.

Front Desk/Administration: Daycare - Daycare (Multi-Site)

Modify daycare programs for other sites or register in daycare programs at other sites.

Front Desk/Administration: Modify Waiver

Assign this profile to the user account that needs to modify waiver and override required waivers.

Front Desk/Administration: Population - Companies

Companies are organizations that do business or perform transactions with your agency.


Add or modify company information (Administration > Population Settings > Companies


Front Desk > Population > Companies).

Front Desk/Administration: Population - Manage Scholarship Applications

Create, modify, or delete customer scholarship applications on the Customer Scholarships page at Front Desk > Population section > Customers > Customer Scholarships.

Front Desk/Administration: Population - Override Coupon Maximum Uses per Customer

Modify the maximum number of uses per customer for individual coupons.

Front Desk/Administration: Population - Pending Customers

Access pending customers list to approve or deny customer creation requests (Front Desk > Population > Pending customers


Administration > Population Settings > Pending customers).

Front Desk/Administration: Population -Companies (Multi-Site)

Companies are organizations that do business or perform transactions with your agency.


Perform customer functions at other sites.

Front Desk/Administration: Registration - Override Attendance Entry Restrictions

If you have specified restrictions on entering attendance information, then staff users with this permission will be able to override these restrictions.

Front Desk/Administration: Registration - Registration (Multi-Department)

Search for and modify activities in multiple organization departments, as assigned on the System Users page.

Front Desk/Administration: Registration -Registration (Multi-Site)

Modify enrollment or search for and enroll in an activity from another site.

Front Desk/Administration: Transfer Balance - Modify GL Account

Modify GL account during the Transfer Balance process.

Front Desk: Ability to Create Global Quick Views

Authority to create global quick view in Booking Manager page.

Front Desk: Daycare - Program Enroll

Enroll or enroll from waitlist in a daycare program.

Front Desk: Daycare – Transfer

Transfer a daycare program using the Front Desk > FlexReg Modules > Transfer workflow.

Front Desk: Daycare – Transfer Past Days

Transfer a daycare program with past days using the Front Desk > FlexReg Modules > Transfer workflow.

Front Desk: Daycare – Override Required Block Booking

During daycare enrollment, users with this new permission can override obligatory block booking.

Front Desk: Daycare - Waiting List Management

Access the Change Waiting List page, where you can move a customer to a different position on a waiting list or remove a customer from a waiting list.


Front Desk > Daycare menu > Waiting List Management

Front Desk: Equipment Lending - Apply Lending Fee

Apply an extra lending fee for equipment lending.

Front Desk: Equipment Lending - Lending

Sign lendable equipment in or out.

Front Desk: Equipment Lending - Override Customer Prerequisites

Override customer prerequisites for equipment lending.

Front Desk: Equipment Lending - Override Inventory

Override current inventory number for lendable equipment.

Front Desk: Equipment Lending - Override Maximum Pieces Per Person

Override the maximum number of equipment pieces that each customer can borrow.

Front Desk: Equipment Loan - Manage Pending / Unreturned Equipment

Manage pending and unreturned lendable equipment.

Front Desk: Financial - Approve/Process Scholarship Applications

Assign, modify, or delete a received scholarship on the Customer Scholarships page at Front Desk > Population section > Customers > Customer Scholarships.


Approve or deny scholarship applications at Front Desk > Financial menu > Process Scholarship Application.

Front Desk: Financial - Cash Summary - Allow float override

Enter a float amount that is different from the default float amount specified at Administration > System Settings > Workstations > Cash Summary section > Float Amount.

Front Desk: Financial - Cash Summary - Process and Print

View and modify cash summary sheets, enter cash drawer totals into cash summary sheets (Front Desk > Financial > Cash Summary).

Front Desk: Financial - Cash Summary - Process and Print (Multi-Site)

View and modify cash summary sheets from other sites, enter cash drawer totals into cash summary sheets from other sites (Front Desk > Financial > Cash Summary).


Users without this option but who do have the Front Desk: Financial - Cash Summary - Process and Print option can only view and modify cash summary sheets from their own site.

Front Desk: Financial - Cash Summary - Process and Print for another user

Edit and print cash summary sheets that have been created by other users (at Front Desk > Financial > Cash Summary).


Users without this option can only edit and print cash summary sheets that they have created themselves.

Front Desk: Financial - Cash Summary - Process and Print for another user on a multi-user, single cash drawer workstation

Users with this option can edit and print multi-user, single cash drawer cash summary sheets that they have not contributed to (at Front Desk > Financial > Cash Summary).

Front Desk: Financial - Credit Card Log

The credit card log records customers' credit card transactions.


Add the credit card log (Front Desk > Financial > Credit Card Log).

Front Desk: Financial - Display drawer balance on a closed cash summary sheet

View the Actual Transaction Amounts and Cash Over(Short) amounts on closed cash summary sheets.


View the Other section on closed cash summary sheets.


View the over/short value of closed cash summary sheets on the Run cash out process page.


Remove this option from your staff users if you don't want them to be able to view exact over/short amounts. Staff users will still view a warning if their cash summary sheets are out of balance when saving or resetting cash summary sheets.

Front Desk: Financial - Display drawer balance on an open cash summary sheet

View the Actual Transaction Amounts and Cash Over(Short) amounts on open cash summary sheets.


View the Other section on open cash summary sheets.


View the over/short value of open cash summary sheets on the Run cash out process page.


Remove this option from your staff users if you don't want them to be able to view exact over/short amounts. Staff users will still view a warning if their cash summary sheets are out of balance when saving, closing, or resetting cash summary sheets.

Front Desk: Financial - Edit Closed Cash Summary Sheet

Make changes to cash summary sheets that have been closed at Front Desk > Financial > Cash Summary.


Note: This option does not allow users to modify cash summary sheets that have been reset. Cash summary sheets that have been reset cannot be modified by any users.

Front Desk: Financial - Expenses

Expenses are amounts spent for activities.


They are either instructor payments (payroll) or other expenditures incurred for activities.


Add new expenses (Front Desk > Financial > Expenses).

Front Desk: Financial - Income

Import income from a particular activity (e.g. sponsorships): Front Desk > Financial > Income.

Front Desk: Financial - Journal Entry

Journal entries are the credits made to general ledger accounts.


Create or modify journal entries (Front Desk > Financial > Journal Entry).

Front Desk: Financial - Payroll Approval

Approve or delete payroll expenses using the Process Payroll function at Front Desk > Financial > Process Payroll menu.

Front Desk: Financial - Payroll Approval (Multi-Department)

Allowing you to edit any payroll transactions at any department.

Front Desk: Financial - Payroll Approval (Multi-Site)

Allowing you to edit any payroll transactions at any site.

Front Desk: Financial - Payroll Processing

Controlling what instructors the logged in system user can see and approve or delete when editing the pending payroll.

Front Desk: Financial - Post Expenses

Define and post multiple expenses to the sub-ledger by batch at Front Desk > Financial > Expenses – Post


(This page is only visible when Administration > Financial Configuration > Allow Posting of Expenses to Sub-Ledger? is enabled.)

Front Desk: Financial - Post Expenses (Multi-Site)

Allows users to post multiple expenses to sites other than their own at Front Desk > Financial > Expenses – Post.

Front Desk: Financial - Reset an Unbalanced Cash Summary Sheet

Reset a cash summary sheet (at Front Desk > Financial > Run Cash Out Process) when the cash summary sheet's payment amounts do not match the actual transaction amounts that should be on hand according to ACTIVE Net.


Users without this profile are not able to reset any cash summary sheet with an over/short amount.

Front Desk: Financial - Run Cash Out

Authority to perform a cash out process.

Front Desk: Financial - Update Pending ChargeBack / ChargeBack Transactions

Allows users to modify transactions with (pending) chargebacks.

Front Desk: Financial/Administration: Population - Gift Card Inquiry

Access gift card inquiry to search for an existing gift card and view or make modifications (Front Desk > Financial > Gift card inquiry).

Front Desk: Gift Cards

Gift cards can be created and sold to pre-existing customers, drop-in customers and companies, to purchase activities, packages, memberships or POS merchandise.


Add or modify gift cards (Administration > Financial Settings > Gift card types).

Front Desk: Gift Cards - Override Max Card Balance Sell gift cards or refill gift cards for a total gift card balance that is greater than the maximum specified for the gift card type.
Specify the maximum gift card balance at Administration > Financial Settings > Gift Card Types > select a gift card type > Amount and Payment Settings section.
Front Desk: Gift Cards - Override Min Refill Amount Refill gift cards for an amount that is less than the minimum refill amount specified for the gift card type.
Specify the minimum refill amount at Administration > Financial Settings > Gift Card Types > select a gift card type > Amount and Payment Settings section.

Front Desk: Gift Cards - Override Min Sale Amount

Sell gift cards for an amount that is less than the minimum sale amount specified for the gift card type.


Specify the minimum sale amount at Administration > Financial Settings > Gift Card Types > select a gift card type > Amount and Payment Settings section.

Front Desk: Gift Cards - Refund Partially Used Gift Card

Refund a gift card that has already been used (Front Desk > Refund > select a gift card transaction).

Front Desk: Membership - Batch Suspend Memberships

Suspend memberships in selected packages by batch (Front Desk > Population > Batch update interest list).

Front Desk: Membership - Currently Checked-In List

Display the currently checked-in members' list to track who are still in the facility. (Front Desk > Membership > Currently Checked-In List).

Front Desk: Membership - Edit Membership Dates

Add or modify membership dates (Administration > Membership Settings > Packages > Change Package).

Front Desk: Membership - Entry Points Stats

Entry points stats are the membership entry scan statistics for selected entry points.

Add or modify entry point stats (Front Desk > Membership > Entry Point Stats).

Front Desk: Membership - Membership Inquiry

Access Membership Inquiry to search for an existing membership sale and view or make modifications (Front Desk > Membership menu > Inquiry).


Validate membership passes (Front Desk > Membership menu > Pass Validation).

Front Desk: Membership - Membership Inquiry: Change Primary Member

Change the primary member for membership packages on the Membership Inquiry page (Front Desk > Membership menu > Inquiry).

Front Desk: Membership - Membership Sales

Sell a membership, run auto-renewal or access the renewal log.

Front Desk: Membership - Membership Transfer

Transfer a membership from one package to another.

Front Desk: Membership – Modify Membership Fees

Authority to modify fees for sold membership packages.


Note: Only staff users with full access permission can see and open the Modify Membership Fees link.

Front Desk: Membership - Outstanding Balance Scan

Authority to override the outstanding balance scan during pass validation.


With this option, the user can log in a member even if they have an outstanding balance in their account.

Front Desk: Membership - Override Advanced Notice of Cancellation Required

Cancel memberships immediately, even if their Cancellation Option is set to One more renew period - cancel on expiration date.


Note: Users must have full access to this option in order to cancel memberships immediately in this situation. Users who only have read-only access will see no change.

Front Desk: Membership - Override Invalid Scan

Authority to override check-in/check-out for invalid memberships in Membership Pass Validation.


With this option, the user can check-in/check-out a member even if the member's membership is invalid.

Front Desk: Membership - Pass Production

Pass production is used to produce customer pass cards.


Pass cards are used by customers to gain access to entry points within the facilities.


Generate a pass (Front Desk > Membership > Pass production).

Front Desk: Membership - Run Auto-Renewal

Perform auto-renewal of memberships (Front Desk > Membership > Run auto-renewal).

Front Desk: Membership - Undo Membership Scan

Authority to undo a membership scan of a pass (Front Desk > Membership > Undo membership scan).

Front Desk: Menu

Authority to display the Front Desk menu.

Front Desk: Payment - Manual Credit Card Authorization

Enter manual CC authorization number on payment screen.

Front Desk: Population - Batch Update Interest List

Update selected interest lists by batch (Front Desk > Membership > Batch suspend).

Front Desk: Population - Mass Retire Customers

Access and run the Mass Retire Customers tool to retire customers who have not had a transaction since a specified date (Administration > Population Settings > Mass Retire Customers).

Front Desk: Population/Administration: Daycare - Program Sessions

Daycare sessions define the specific dates and times of the occurrence of each specific daycare class.


Add or modify daycare sessions (Administration > Daycare Settings > Sessions).

Front Desk: POS - Open Cash Drawer

Authority to access the cash drawer on the POS terminal during POS transactions.

Front Desk: POS - POS Sales

Authority to sell items through the POS interface.

Front Desk: POS - Void Receipt

Authority to void receipts in POS.

(Front Desk > POS > Void Receipt


POS > Void Receipt).

Front Desk: Receipt - Cancel Current Payments

Cancel a customer's payment where there are still payments outstanding (i.e. the payment plan has not been completed).


You cannot cancel completed payments (i.e paymentplan completed and transaction paid off).

Front Desk: Receipt - Cancel Current/Previous Payments

Cancel most payments without cancelling the receipt or transaction, whether there are outstanding payments (current) or the transaction has been paid off (previous payments).

Front Desk: Receipt - Manage Queued Online Receipts

Access the Queued Online Receipts page (Front Desk > Receipts > Queued Online Receipts).

Front Desk: Receipt - Void Any Day

Void transactions for previous days (read only and full access). 


No access does not even see the Void Receipt link on previous days receipts.

Front Desk: Receipt - Void Credit Card Paid

Authority to void receipts that were paid for with credit cards.

Front Desk: Receipt - Void Receipt

Authority to void receipt from the Lookup Receipt page (Front Desk > Receipts > Lookup Receipt).

Front Desk: Refund - Always allow refund to CC

Allow refunding to credit cards regardless of the original payment type.

Front Desk: Refund - Approve Request Refund

Change the status of refund requests on the Process Refund Requests page.


This option has no effect if you have not selected the Enable approval process for refund requests checkbox on the Financial Configuration page.

Front Desk: Refund - Approve Request Refund(Multi-site)

Allow users to change the status of refund requests whose revenue site is different from their own site on the Process Refund Requests page.


This option has no effect if you have not selected the Enable approval process for refund requests checkbox on the Financial Configuration page.

Front Desk: Refund – Override Non-refundable Daycare Fee

Allow users to override non-refundable, one-time Flex Registration (Daycare) fees.

Front Desk: Refund - Override Number of Days Before Refunding

If you have specified a number of days before your staff can issue refunds, then staff with this permission will be able to override this restriction.

Front Desk: Refund - Override Refund Request Process: Perform Refund Immediately

Immediately refund customer amounts to payment types during the refund/withdrawal process without having request a refund first.

Front Desk: Refund - Process Request Refund

Perform refunds on the Process Refund Requests page.


This option has no effect if you have not selected the Enable approval process for refund requests checkbox on the Financial Configuration page.

Front Desk: Refund - Process Request Refund(Multi-site)

Allow users to perform refunds whose revenue site is different from their own site on the Process Refund Requests page.


This option has no effect if you have not selected the Enable approval process for refund requests checkbox on the Financial Configuration page.

Front Desk: Refund - Override Refund Dates

Authority to change the refund dates of scheduled refunds.


Scheduled refund dates can be changed to dates that are before the required number of days before refunding would be allowed.


For example, if the setting allows refunds of check payments only after 7 days after payment date, this option gives the authority to schedule the refund before 7 days.

Front Desk: Refund - Override Refund Charges

Authority to override refund charges during refund transactions.


Note: This profile only affects the one-off refund transactions that are handled under Front Desk > Refund > Refund Transaction, but have no effect on registration mass refunds.

(Front Desk > Refund > Refund Transaction > Credit Fees).

Front Desk: Refund - POS Refunds

Issue refunds using the POS system.

Front Desk: Refund - Refund

Refund daycare, activity or membership sales.

Front Desk: Refund - Refund to any Credit Card

Refund transactions to a credit card other than the credit card used for the initial payment. 


A drop down list of previously used credit cards will be available with this permission.

Front Desk: Refund/Withdraw - Refund/Withdraw Transaction (Multi-Department)

Allow users to refund enrollments whose department is not in the list of departments that they can access.


Users without this option can only refund enrollments whose department is in their own department list.


View the list of departments for each user at Administration > System Settings > System Users > Departments Security.

Front Desk: Refund/Withdraw - Refund/Withdraw Transaction (Multi-Site)

Allow users to refund transactions whose revenue site is not the same as their own site.


Users without this option can only refund transactions whose revenue site is the same as their own.


View the site for each user at Administration > System Settings > System Users > General > Site.

Front Desk: Registration - Accept Batch Underpayment on Payment Plan

Batch enrollment consists of searching for an activity, selecting or adding the clients to enroll, registering the clients, and taking payment individually or through a batch payer.


If the user doesn't have this profile, he/she is not authorized to add a payment plan.

Front Desk: Registration - Batch Reschedule Lessons

Reschedule private lessons for multiple customers at once. See Batch Reschedule Lessons.

Front Desk: Registration - Enroll

Enroll, enroll from waitlist, or enroll from deposit (registration).

Front Desk: Registration - Enroll And Modify Enrollment

To enroll and modify enrollments in private lessons, system users must be granted this permission together with the following permissions:

  • Front Desk: Registration - Enroll

  • Front Desk: Registration - Modify Enrollment

Front Desk: Registration - Modify Enrollment

Modify activity enrollments through the Front Desk > Modify Enrollment link.

Front Desk: Registration - Override Activity Make up Lesson Date

Override pre-defined make up lesson dates during initial enrollment.

Front Desk > Registrations > Override Make up Lesson Dates.

Front Desk: Registration - Override Allotted Make-up Classes

Override the number of allotted make-up classes for a given customer in a specific activity.

Front Desk: Registration - Override Booking Pattern

Override the booking pattern set for a private lesson activity. Book any available lessons regardless of lesson patterns.

Front Desk: Registration - Override Default Make-up Class Expiry

Override the default make-up class authorization expiry date for a customer who misses an activity meeting date.

Front Desk: Registration - Override Expired Make-up Class Authorization

Schedule a make-up class despite an expired make-up class authorization.

Front desk: Registration – Override Global Surcharges

Override global surcharges when enrolling customers on the front desk.

Front Desk: Registration - Override Instructor Availability

Override an instructor's availability hours when booking private lessons.


If you want to be able to book private lessons for customers even at times when the instructor is not set to be available in ACTIVE Net, select this option.

Front Desk: Registration - Override Max Number Of Lessons

Override the maximum number of private lessons an enrollee can take as part of an enrollment.

Front Desk: Registration - Override Number of Players Per Team

Authority to override the minimum or maximum number of players per team in league settings.

Front Desk: Registration - Override Required Checklist Items

Authority to proceed with transactions even without the required checklist items.

Front Desk: Registration – Pay Outstanding Team Balance

Pay the balance for a team from the Front Desk.

Front Desk: Registration - Team Management

Add, modify or delete teams for any activity, and assign members and contacts.


Also, you can modify team details.

Front Desk: Registration - Transfer

Registration transfer from one activity to another (Front Desk > Registration > Transfer).

Front Desk: Registration/Daycare - Override Credit Card expiration date on Auto payment plan

Set up auto payment plans using a credit card whose expiration date is earlier than the last scheduled payment date.

Front Desk: Registration/Daycare/Membership/Reservation - Edit Private Payment Plan

Edit predefined payment plans during activity enrollments, membership sales, reservations, and flexreg (daycare) program enrollments.

In the New Facility Management module, staff users with this permission can now select the Custom option to create a payment plan.

Front Desk: Registration/Daycare/Membership/Reservation - Registration Override Authority

Authority to override restrictions for daycare enrollment, activity enrollment or membership sale.

Front Desk: Registration/Membership/Daycare - Override Fees

Authority to change fee amounts (including usage fees) during registration.

Front Desk: Registration/Membership/POS – Allocate Commission

Authority to allocate commission to staff during the transactions and modify commission data after the transaction, including activity enrollment, membership sale and POS product sale.

Front Desk: Registration/Refund - Override Activity List Registration Restrictions

Authority to override requirements for activity list registration, such as package requirements.

Front Desk: Registrations - Waiting List Management

Access the Waiting List Management page at Front Desk > Registrations menu > Waiting List Management.

Front Desk: Reserve - Batch Complete Permits

Complete permits in a batch at Front Desk > Reserve menu > Batch Complete Permits.

Front Desk: Reserve - Batch Modify Bookings

Authority to access the Batch Modify Bookings function.

Front Desk: Reserve - Equipment Availability

Check for available equipment at your assigned site.

Front Desk: Reserve - Equipment Availability (Multi-Site)

Check for available equipment at any site.

Front Desk: Reserve - Equipment Quick Reserve

Authority to quick reserve equipment at your assigned site.

Front Desk: Reserve - Equipment Quick Reserve (Multi-Site)

Authority to quick reserve equipment at any site.

Front Desk: Reserve - Equipment Reservation

Authority to reserve equipment at your assigned site.

Front Desk: Reserve - Equipment Reservation (Multi-Site)

Authority to reserve equipment at any site.

Front Desk: Reserve - Facility Availability

Authority to check for available facilities at your assigned site.

Front Desk: Reserve - Facility Availability (Multi-Site)

Authority to check for available facilities at any site.

Front Desk: Reserve - Facility Quick Reserve

Quick facility reservation consists of selecting a facility group, selecting the date and time range, searching for a client (if desired), confirming the fees and taking payment (if required), and finalizing the reservation and permit.


Authority to quick reserve facilities at your assigned site.

Front Desk: Reserve - Facility Quick Reserve (Multi-Site)

Authority to quick reserve facilities at any site.

Front Desk: Reserve - Facility Reservation

Authority to create a new facility reservations at your assigned site.


Note: Users without this permission will still be able to modify existing permits.

Front Desk: Reserve - Facility Reservation (Multi-Site)

Authority to create a new facility reservations at any site.

Front Desk: Reserve - Instructor Availability

Check if an instructor is available to teach a particular course and session at your assigned site.

Front Desk: Reserve - Instructor Availability (Multi-Site)

Check if an instructor is available to teach a particular course and session at any site.

Front Desk: Reserve - Instructor Quick Reserve

Authority to quick reserve instructors at your assigned site.

Front Desk: Reserve - Instructor Quick Reserve (Multi-Site)

Authority to quick reserve instructors at any site.

Front Desk: Reserve - Instructor Reservation

Authority to reserve instructors at your assigned site.

Front Desk: Reserve - Instructor Reservation (Multi-Site)

Authority to reserve instructors at any site.

Front Desk: Reserve - Instructor Reservation Payroll

Add or modify instructor reservation payroll and quick reserve (Administration > Registration Settings > Instructors).


Note: The (Multi-site) profile allows you to perform this function at all sites.

Front Desk: Reserve - Locker Rental

Create a locker reservation (Front Desk > Facility Reserve > Reserve Locker).

Front Desk: Reserve - Manage Facility Waitlist

Add customers to facility waitlists during the reservation process; use the Manage Facility Waitlist page.

Front Desk: Reserve - Mass Edit Bookings

Mass edit reservations in the Front Desk > Facility Management > Mass Edit Bookings workflow.

Front Desk: Reserve - Override Conflict Bookings

Authority to override blocks on proceeding with a reservation with conflicting bookings.

Front Desk: Reserve - Override Maximum Advanced Reservation Setting

Override the Staff-side Reservation not more than # Days/Hours in advance option (found on the Facility / Equipment Configuration page) while creating reservations on the staff site.

Front Desk: Reserve - Override Maximum Capacities

Authority to override blocks on proceeding with a reservation with bookings where the number of attendees exceeds facility maximum capacities.

Front Desk: Reserve - Override Minimum Advanced Reservation Setting

Override the Staff-side Reservation must be made at least # Days/Hours in advance option (found on the Facility / Equipment Configuration page) while creating reservations on the staff site.

Front Desk: Reserve - Override Min/Max Number of Lessons

Authority to override the maximum or minimum number of booked lessons.

Front Desk: Reserve - Override Number of Days Before Refunding

Authority to refund fees even if the required number of days before refunding have not been met.


For example, if the setting allows refunds of check payments only after 7 days after payment date, this option gives the authority to refund before 7 days.

Front Desk: Reserve - Override Rental Block

Authority to override configured rental blocks during facility reservation.

Staff users with this permission can click the edit icon for a rental block and then edit the start and end times.

Front Desk: Reserve - Override Resource Close Time

Authority to override resource open/close times during facility reservation.

Front Desk: Reserve - Permits

Provides authorized staff with access to internal permits generated by the single site where he/she belongs to.


To define the type of permits, select the profile from the Available list box, and move it to the Full Access list box on the right side by clicking Administration > System Settings > System User Profiles > Change Profile.


Note: Approve permits, availability permits, equipment check-in permits, and equipment check-out permits are added.

Front Desk: Reserve - Permits (Multi-Site)

Provides authorized staff with access to internal and external permits generated by all sites.


To define the type of permits, select the profile from the Available list box, and move it to the Full Access list box on the right side by Administration > System Settings > System User Profiles > Change Profile.


Note: Approve permits, availability permits, equipment check-in permits, and equipment check-out permits are added.

Front Desk: Reserve - Refund Permit

Refund facility reservation charges on a permit (Front Desk > Facility Reserve > Refund Permit Charge).

Front Desk: Reserve - Reservation Fees Override

Modify the values associated with reservation fees during reservation, and modify the values associated with reservation fees on an existing permit.

Front Desk: Resource Calendar

In the Facility Management module, system users with this permission can view and create new reservations for a specified site.

Front Desk: Resource Calendar - Global Quick View

In the Facility Management module, system users with this permission can create global quick views that can be applied to all resource calendar users.

Front Desk: Resource Calendar (Multi-Site)

In the Facility Management module, system users with this permission can view and create new reservations for multiple sites.

General - USA Hockey Export

If USA Hockey integration for your organization has been enabled, then for staff users with this permission, the File Export report > Table Selection section includes a USA Hockey Export table, which allows staff users to run a report to view USA Hockey numbers submitted for activity enrollment.

Instructor App

Permission for system users to sign into the ACTIVE Captivate Instructor app.

Permit Update - Change General Details

Change the place/date/time of a permit, change the customer/company for a permit, cancel a permit, or complete a permit.


If this option is not assigned, the following links will be hidden on the Permit Functions page:

  • Change Place / Date / Time

  • Change Customer / Company

  • Cancel Permit

  • Complete Permit

Permit Update - Change Stage Sequence

Add, modify or cancel a stage sequence for a permit from Front Desk.

Permit Update - Checklist Transactions/Manage Attachments

Change the checklist transactions or attachments for a permit.


If this option is not assigned, the following links will be hidden on the Permit Functions page:

  • Checklist Transactions

  • Manage Attachments

Permit Update - Modify GL Account of New Charge

Change the predefined GL account of a new charge for a permit.

Permit Update - Review / Modify Charges / Modify Payment Plan

Change the charges or the payment plan for a permit.


If this option is not assigned, the following links will be hidden on the Permit Functions page:

  • Review / Modify Charges

  • Modify Payment Plan

POS/Equipment Lending: Menu

Display the POS/Equipment Lending menu.

Report: Customer - Override No Promotional Mail Customers

Authority to include in mailing or emailing list those customers who have opted not to be included in promotional mailing lists.

Report: Menu

Authority to display the Reports menu.

Reports: ACTIVE NetInsights

Access the ACTIVE NetInsights reporting platform at Reports > ACTIVE Net Insights.


Note: The Reports: ACTIVE NetInsights permission allows access to reporting for all sites in ACTIVE Net Insights. Do not assign this permission to any site-specific users who are not already permitted to run multi-site reports in ACTIVE Net.

Transaction - Apply Third Party Billing during Transaction

Apply third party billing to transactions by specifying third party billing amounts for predefined third party payers.


Modify third party billing details for existing transactions.

Transaction - Approve All Stages

Approve stages waiting for other user's approval.  


With no access, a user is still able to access the Approve/Deny Permit list but can only approve stages waiting for their own approval.

Workstation - Switch Sites

Switch to a different site. (Multi-site link located in the upper right-hand corner of all pages).


If you do not have this profile assigned, this link does not appear.

Workstation - Switch Workstation

Switch to a different workstation, and the site where that workstation is located, to perform functions.