GL accounts

This page maintains the general ledger accounts that are used to record the system's financial transactions. Typically these correspond with GL accounts in your agency's main financial system.

Accessing GL Accounts

Select one of the following:

Sorting the List

Adding an Account

From the GL Account List page, clicking Add New brings you to the Change GL Account page, allowing you to create a new record.

Modifying an Account

From the GL Account List page, clicking an underlined Name displays the Change GL Account page, allowing you to make any necessary changes. The GL Account List can be filtered by displaying only the GL accounts of a particular site.


On the Change GL Account page, you will find the following input fields with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description
Account Name Text

The name of the GL account.

Account Number Text The corresponding GL account number in your main financial system. Up to 60 digits.

Account Type

Dropdown list

The account type as selected from a predefined list.


The options are: Asset, Liability, Income, Capital, and Expense.

Financial Department

Dropdown list

Financial department where the GL account will be attached, as selected from a predefined list.


Dropdown list

Site where the GL Account will be attached, as selected from a predefined list.


The site selected will be the only site where the GL account can be used, unless the user has multi-site permission.


Selecting All Sites will make the GL account available to all sites.


Note: For site-specific GL accounts, the site name displayed is read-only.

Prevent Further Use? Checkbox Retire this GL account so that it can no longer be assigned. Anywhere this GL account has already been assigned will continue to use it.


When you retire a site-specific GL account, ACTIVE Net moves transactions associated with that account to the corresponding system GL account.


Note: When you select Prevent Further Use, the Retired column on the GL Account List page displays Yes.


Note: The following GL accounts are system accounts and cannot be retired or deleted:

Copying an Account

To copy an existing G/L Account:

    1. From the GL Account List page, click the underlined Copy link corresponding to the GL account you want to copy.

    2. The Copy of [GL Account] page appears. You can make any changes to the GL account.

    3. Click Save.


Note: The Copy of GL Account page uses the same controls as the GL Account page.