Refund permit charges or deposits

This page is used to refund the charges or deposit of a permit.


Note: If you do not have permission to make transactions on multiple sites and this permit was not reserved at your site, you cannot view this page.


    1. Go to  Front Desk tab > Reserve > Refund Permit Charge.

    2. Search for and select the desired Permit.


    1. From the Permit Functions page, click the Refund Charges or Refund Deposit link.

    2. Search for and select the desired Permit.

How is it used?

The following fields are available in the Refund Permit Charges page, with the option to Refund, Cancel, or Refund and Cancel Permit (when canceling a permit) at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description
Permit Read only Number of permit to refund.
Find a different permit Hyperlink Click the link to go to the Permit Search page, where another permit can be selected for refund.
Customer Read only Name of customer for whom the permit was issued.
Company Read only Name of company attached to the permit.

Refund Charges

Include Checkbox Select the checkbox to refund a particular fee.
Description Read only Event name and description of the fee.


Read only

Number of units of the fee that has been charged.

Amount Paid Read only Total amount of the fee that has been paid.
Refund Quantity Numeric Number of units of the fee to refund.
Refund Numeric Total amount of the fee to refund.
Total Numeric Total amount of permit charges to refund to the customer.

Staff Notes


Notes for agency staff use only. These notes are not printed on the permit.

Customer Notes Text Notes for the customer that are printed on the permit.

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