Member vs non-member statistics

This report is used to provide member vs. non-member statistics which are organized by age group.


Reports > Population Reports > Member vs Non-Member Statistics


Note: If your agency needs to do a comparison of the member vs. non-member statistics between two different date ranges, for example between 2008 and 2009, they should run the report twice; once for each date range they wish to compare.


Clicking the Recall / Schedule a saved report definition button at the top of the page takes you to the Report Definitions page, where you can select a previously saved report definition.


This following fields are available on the Member vs. Non-Member page:

Name of Field




Report Filters/Population


The following filters are available on the Member vs. Non-Member page: Member Between Date Range, Customer, Customer Type, Interest List, Subscription List, Demographic, Geographic Area, Customer City, Customer State, Customer Zip / Postal Code, Custom Question Answer, Customer Award, Customer Award Code Combo, Family Role, Age Date Range, Account Created Date Range, Login Created Date Range, Login Never Created?, Login Used Date Range, Login Never Used, No Transaction As Of, Gender, Residency, Include 'No Promotional Email' Customers, Include 'No Promotional Postal Mail' Customers, Retired, Customers Born In, Instructors Only and Unique Addresses.


Click the Report Filter link to learn more about reports and their filters.



Dropdown list

Include enrollees on the list based on their residency status:

  • Active Residents (have current residency status)

  • Non-Residents (do not have residency status)

  • Expired Residents (have residency status, but it has expired)

  • All Customers

Output Type

Dropdown list

Option to select the output type or format of the report, from a predefined list.


The options are Adobe Acrobat Reader, HTML, or Microsoft Excel.

Save Report Definition

Report Title


Option to save the report definition for later use.


Click the Report Filter link to learn more about report titles.

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