Permit master report

This report displays a master list of reservation permits, with information such as permit number, customer or company name and their phone number and address, permit status and expiration date, event name, equipment and instructor information, facility, and event date, start and end times, permit notes, total number of permits and amount and date of any balance due.

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Reports > Reservation Reports > Permit Master


Clicking the Recall / Schedule a saved report definition button at the top of the page takes you to the Report Definitions page, where you can select a previously saved report definition.


The following fields are available on the Permit Master Report page:

Name of Field




Report Filter


The following filters are available on the Permit Master Report page: Permit Creation Date Range, Paid Off Date Range, Permit # Date Range, Reservation Site, Permit Site, Schedule Type, Customer Type, Customer, Company, Center, Event Type, Geographic Area, Facility, Facility Type, Equipment/FacilityEquipment Group, Equipment Item, Equipment Package, Equipment Type, Equipment Category and Instructor.


Click the Report Filter link to learn more about reports and their filters.


Voided Status

Dropdown list

Option to include voided permits, not voided permits, or both in the report.

Permit or Requests

Dropdown list

Option to include reservation permits only, reservation requests only, or both.

Permit Status

Dropdown list

Option to only include permits depending on their status, as selected from the following: Any Status, Approved, Denied, In-Process, Stage Denied, Issued, Cancelled, Awaiting Decision, Completed, On Hold.

Only show unpaid permits?


Option to only include permits with unpaid balances.

Show Event Dates?


To display the dates and times for the events you include in the report, select this option.


The dates and times appear in this format: MM/DD/YYYY h:mm am-h:mm am.

Include Event Notes?


To display event notes in the report, select this option.


This option is unavailable if Show Event Dates? is disabled.

Include System Users?


To show the system users for each permit in the report, select this option.

Include Total Charges and Balance Due?


To add columns for Total Charges and Balance Due to the report, select this option.

Show Specific Custom Questions


To select individual custom questions to include in the report, click Show Specific Custom Questions.

Custom Question Text to Print

Dropdown list

If you have selected custom questions to display above, select the format that you want to use for these questions in the report.

Include Payment Plan Details?


Option to display payment plan details for each permit.


Note: To see permits with unpaid payment plans, select this option and Only Show Unpaid Permits? above.

Include Charge and Payment Details?


Option to show charge and payment details for each permit on the report.


For charges this includes the charge name and GL account for each charge, plus the charge amount.


For payments this includes the payment GL account for each payment plus the payment amount.

Include Permit Administrators?


Option to show each permit's permit administrator on the report.


Dropdown list

Option to include facilities, equipment or both in the report.

Output type

Dropdown list

The output type or format of the report, as selected from a predefined list.


The available output types are Adobe Acrobat Reader, HTML, and Microsoft Excel.

Sort Options

Sort Options Dropdown list Sort order to use when displaying the permit master list, as selected from Permit Number or Center + Facility.

Save Report Definition

Report Title


Option to save the report definition for later use.


Click the Report Filter link to learn more about report definitions.

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